Chapter 9: Finding out why

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Elsa's POV

When I was inside the bedroom, I went looking on Draco's side of the room, I started in his drawers, when I saw a piece parchment paper sticking out of one of the drawers, I picked it up and I saw that it was my essay, I walk out only to find Draco sitting near the fireplace doing his Potions essay, I stay quite, until the time is right "I hope she doesn't find her essay, one spot that she doesn't know about" Draco says out loud "oh really?" I ask sarcastically "Bloody Hell!" Draco exclaims "you did have it, you just didn't admit it. Draco why, why did you? I need this essay, all I want to know is why?" I ask as tears start pooling in my eyes "Ells, I hid it for a reason" "and the reason is?" "to spend time with you, snowflake, you're always doing school work and I never see you anymore, the only time-" Draco never got to finish, since I ran into our room, packed a bag and ran out. I ran to Harry and Gin's dorm, once I reached the portrait and before it even asked "password" I answered "WILLOW" I said and walked in "erm, is now a good time to interrupt?" I ask as I cover my eyes from them snogging "oh, Elsa. What are you doing here?" Harry asks and I uncover my eyes "Els, you look like you've been crying" Gin says "I have been, {what's wrong, Els} Draco took and hid my Astronomy essay and he said-" I started.

10 Minutes later-

I finished with tears pouring down my cheeks, "oh, Els, you can stay with us for a little while if you want, we're always going to be here" Gin says "thanks, but where can I sleep?" I ask "we have an extra room, that is if you want to spend the night?" asks Harry, I don't do anything "Els, what's wrong?" Ginny asks "there's something else he said, {and what did he say?} he said "you're always doing school work and I never see you anymore," that's what he said and it's true. I'm always doing schoolwork, why can't he just accept that, the-" I start "Els,-" "what?" "we're going to go into our bedroom and give you time alone" says Ginny "what are you talking about? Gin, this isn't one of the twins jokes again is it?" I ask "nope, but trust us" Harry says and they leave, possibly just for me to keep to my thoughts, unless "Draco, you're in here, I know you are" I say and he emerges from the corner, "how'd you know?" he asks "eh, you follow me everywhere" I say, still looking at my hands, Draco moves closer to me, when he does, he sits on the couch, "Ells, look at me" Draco says, I don't look at him, so he moves to the floor and sits by me, he lifts my chin "Ells, I wasn't trying to make you leave. I just wanted to spend time with you, but if you-" Draco starts "Dragon, I really need to study, because Professor Sinistra is giving out a test in 2 weeks and I want to get a good score, if I don't I won't be able to become the next professor for Astronomy and" I start "Elsa, I have to study too, but I do when you're with Sinistra, Slughorn's giving a test in about 2 weeks, so my plan was to quiz each other on what we know to see if we would pass the tests and become the next professors." Draco says "well, it's a good idea but-" I start but I didn't finish because Draco kissed me, "what was that for?" I asked "to make you feel better, did it work?" Draco asked "yes, it did my Dragon" I say, "do you want to go back to the dorm?" Draco asked, I nod and Accioed my bag to me.

Draco's POV

We head back to the dorm, we stop at the portrait and say the password "FOREVER," and it opens up. We head in, "hey Ells" "hmm" "could you quiz me on my-" I start "you quiz me first, then we'll see about you, also tomorrow I'm turning this essay in, and you can come. Here" Elsa says and hands me her Astronomy book. I quiz her about 10-20 times, "ok, last question- 'What planet is the 5th from the sun?' Ells" I ask, no answer, I look up from the book to see my love fast asleep, "oh Elsa" I sigh, put the book bag in her bag, pick her up and climb in bed with her.

Now I know this is short but I want to give y'all a huge shout out to those people who are reading this because this was hard work and please, please, please, don't forget to vote and comment on this story, thank you wonderful readers!!!! :) 

Also I have 50 VIEWERS!!! OMG:O

WORDS- 834

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