Part. 20..

817 53 3

....... Restablishing bonds pt. 2........

.................. HAIKU(20).......................

            AS THICK AS BLOOD
                 PURE AS WATER


.................. O0o0o0o0o0o...................

     Silence, it's quite an awful awakener to be honest. And not just your own, but the culmination of the ones beside you as well. And let's not forget awkward. That niggling feeling usually walks hand in hand with said silence, much like the converging tension that encumbered team seven in this very moment.

Both Naruto and Sasuke found themselves helplessly sprawled amidst the unceremonious splatters of their shed blood; with their more than fatal wounds in the slow process of being completely healed, compliments of their beloved blossom of-coarse. Mid battle, she descended upon them in the form of a whirlwind. Strong and frightening, Sakura's aura further lent static to the already charged atmosphere; her anger palpable and just, given the fact that both boys tethered dangerously on the line that bordered this life and the next.

Too tired to protest, too gripped by emotion's strong embrace to push their battered bodies further, both had readily resigned themselves to whatever fate there awaited; though the sharp pinching of pink, immaculate brows stirred some what of an ominous sensation within, and one not only felt by the two in question.

Strange, very and quite strange indeed went Sasuke's monologue. He'd spent what?, approximately three years and ten months fortifying his misguided beliefs on the disadvantages of  forming certain bonds. And now here he were, completely nullified of that same damning influence he had laboured his heart into forgetting. How pathetic of him, the always cold and distant uchiha. And with this thought, unknowingly, involuntary the corners of his mouth curved upwards into a traitorous smile.

It seemed his and Naruto's long overdued duel had finally righted his shrewd perspective, and as such, the kinks in his yet to be made plans for the future were slowly begining to iron themselves out one by one. Once, quite a very long time ago, she, Sakura, had been at the centre of a vision he had; but now, that vision revolved around another, and eclipsed no, more his heart became.

"Now, don't go acting like that didn't just happen".

Blindsided again, it's what they did best, his team mates - former that is. They had always been able to bombard what ever wall he'd managed to construct around his swaying emotions, ever since the days of their childish youth.  "What didnt happen?"

"That smirk of yours teme!"

"Dumbass over here is right you know", Kakashi, fully ignorant of Naruto's pain induced grimace, patted them both easily on their backs. "You have a long way to go Sasuke but, it's good to finally have you back"

"Hopefully it's the right part, cause former Sasuke", Sai, after much careful consideration, decidedly joined the short reunion. "Was a tad bit of a dick head, and that's usually Naruto's job"....

Laughter rung loud and deafening for a while, but finally after it's recession, silence ensued once more for Sakura against her will power couldn't with hold her actions for much longer. All the defining marks of a warrior, that fierce status of a well desciplined medic-nin from earlier, were wiped completely clean as she was reduced to nothing but a weeping girl before the eyes of her loved ones. Her arms trembled and her lips quivered as she captured both boys; their embrace stifling, but never the less needed.

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