All In One Day

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It had been not too long since Diana Rose Brando and the pillar men had changed location to an old dark looking hotel. It was much more comfortable to spend her day in, and she was finally able to relax. Ajna and her had become the best of friends. They were more like sisters with how close their relationship had gotten.

Diana's eyes abruptly opened when she heart a loud noise erupt from the entrance to the hotel. Quickly she got out of bed, slipped into her clothes, and snuck through the hotel to where the noise was coming from.

She saw two figures in the dark area where light was peering in and she quickly fell to her knees behind the safety of a wall. A loud thud echoed through the room.Peeking out from behind the wall and down the stairs, she saw Wamuu standing there, wearing a straight expressionless face.

Blood was streaming down his face from wounds on his forehead, his body had countless deep holes that looked like molten lava had been stuffed into his wounds. The way the it burned and moved around made Diana cringe slightly. It had been a close battle it seemed.

Examining the battle ground, she noticed something. A shining red bubble filled with a purple and peach head tie with what seemed to be a golden ring on the tie was floating through the air elegantly. It faintly had yellow sparks crackling around it, but soon stopped. It must have been a hamon user that Wamuu was fighting. 

Wamuu twisted his arm a bit creating a twirl of air that gently vacuumed the bubble towards him. It came to a sliding stop, and Wamuu stared at it for a moment. Was he going to pop the blood bubble? Was he going to leave it?

"I'll let it go." He said to himself. Walking up the stone stairs on injured legs, he mumbled words to himself, words that Diana couldn't quite make out. She did however hear his last sentence.

"I will hold you forever in my memory...Caesar."

So it was young Caesar who had challenged him! The confident lad had perished at such a young age. Joseph and Lisa Lisa weren't going to be very happy when they find out about what happened to their friend.

Turning the corner, Wamuu saw Diana sitting on the stone floor worried. She quickly stood up, brushing the dust off of her. Wamuu stood there a moment, waiting for her to say something.

"I-Uhm, I woke up to a loud noise and came to check if everything was okay." She looked down at her feet as her eyes were full of worry and concern.

Wamuu began to walk with Diana through to the hotel halls. Diana tried to look confident in front of her friend, but struggled with the knit of worry that was in her belly. She really hoped he was okay...

"I saw you beat that hamon user, nice job." Diana tried to compliment the pillar man on his work, but he didn't show much emotion. 

"Why didn't you get rid of the blood bubble?"

"Caesar was an honorable warrior. His last effort to give something to his friends should be honored." Diana had immense respect for Wamuu and his respect for others. It was astonishing how he could respect and honor a person who just tried to kill him even if he had won in the end. 


"Yes Diana?"

"How do you maintain your honor when you have so much hatred on your mind that it takes control of your actions?"

"Self-control is necessary for honor. A prepossessing young lady with potential such as you will learn it soon enough. Diana, you have a good heart, but you let your past control your actions at times. Our mistakes teach us so that we don't make them again. Learn from them." Wamuu spoke his wise words of wisdom very wisely. However, Diana saw a chance to mess with him, so she took it.

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