Chapter 17

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The students were all pouring into the classroom. The four days of rest were over, and everyone had recovered enough to begin their school life once more.

There were only a few in the classroom, most of them were talking about how many people recognised them from the festival... But sitting alone, leaning over his own desk, was Izuku. pondering something in his mind.

He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the day before yesterday, at the dinner with his supposed aunt. She didn't just insult him, she insulted everything he ever loved. If she truly cared for him as much as she claimed, why would she call him a monster? Why would she claim that his family, and the majority of his life right now, is false?

Izuku's mind made an image of Mitsuki's face, but the more he pondered the more it got mixed up with another... the face of a red eyed, golden blonde bastard that he so deeply loathed...

The green haired boy wanted to forget everything about Mitsuki, the life he had prior to that day, and never forgive or speak to her ever again... But at the same time he didn't. At the same time he wanted to forgive her, and regain that connection. He wanted parts of his old life back, while also wanting to put chains around its coffin and leave it in the early grave that it has been resting in for well over ten years now...

"Good Morning class!" Aizawa said as he walked into the classroom, not covered in bandages anymore. Everyone in class went silent, and then listened to their teacher.

"You all performed well during the festival, and I'm glad to see that you all have recovered properly... both physically and mentally... " The tired man said, glancing at both Katsuki and Izuku while saying those last words. He then went straight to business.

"You'll be doing your internships, but first we'll be going over the offers that you all received. In past years it has been a lot more spread out, but here are the results... " Aizawa then said, before he turned on a digital screen.

It showed a list of names, and the amount of offers they all got. First was Todoroki, with the most, after that was Izuku, then Kirishima in third, with Rachel in fourth... there were a few more names until you got to the one in last... It was Katsuki, with only one offer...

"HOW THE HELL DID I ONLY GET ONE OFFER?!!" The ashen blonde teen yelled, and everyone answered by just looking at him as if he was a delusional idiot.

What was surprising was that Izuku, the winner of the festival and strongest student at UA, didn't get the most offers.

"I'm surprised that Todoroki managed to beat out Midoriya." Kirishima said, which prompted Todoroki to speak up.

"It's probably because of my father... " The ice user said, just before Izuku said.

"My breakdown during the final must've cost me some offers... " Both with calm voices.

The teens then looked at each other, before they sighed. They realised that none of them were wrong, that both Endeavour and Izuku's violent bloodlust had cost him some offers.

"You'll be interning even if you didn't get any offers, so make sure to pick an agency that will do you good. But now we will move on to a different matter... " Aizawa said, but was cut off when the door opened to reveal someone who said.

"Picking your hero names!" With some excitement, it was revealed to be none other than Midnight. The class roared in excitement, as Aizawa said.

"Exactly... I'm not good in that field, so Midnight will be here to approve of your choices... " With a tired voice, before he went into his sleeping bag... Izuku could see right through the teacher. It's not that he's bad with hero names, he just doesn't care enough to come up with something good.

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