Chapter 1 ~ Intro

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As we stood back to back the feeling of strength and hope was slowly ripped away. I noticed we were flying. Our calm feeling slowly and painfully melted away leaving nothing but searing pain. I could feel my blood boiling. I could feel as though we were becoming one. I could hear his thoughts. Dragon. Think of a dragon. Together we focused as hard as we could until the pain was unbearable and we couldn't hold it in anymore. Squeezing our eyes closed we screamed out in agony.

"No!" Yelled a gravelly voice. We were now side by side holding hands.

We opened our eyes to see the 2 dragons before us. The one to the left of us was blue like water except looked...on fire. The one to the right of us was red and actually was on fire. We held your hands still intertwined together and the dragons charged forward attacking the person standing in front of us. The person tried to fight them off but he failed. And in a burst of light he turned to ash as the red and blue dragon crashed through him. The dragons then retreated back to us. It was like we were absorbing them; pain rippled through our bodies. The dragons were gone but not completely. I could feel one moving within me, I could feel it's power.

"Nicky!" Marcus yelled.

The sudden realization of falling hit me. But not before the ground did. As I hit the ground there was a pop and then a wave of pain starting at my wrist and rippling through my body. Marcus struggled to get to me to make sure I was okay. Again I could hear his thoughts. Are you okay? I can't get to you. I'm... I'm too weak. I responded out loud,

"I'm...fine...I think...I think my wrist is broken." My voice was breaking as I held back tears. I reached my arm out towards him. You know if you reach your arm out I could heal you. I thought. Heal yourself first then me. He retorted.

After I healed myself Marcus reached his arm out so I could heal him. We laid there for a moment before getting up and trying to find the exit. As we looked around I noticed where we were.

"We're in a...cave? Ha! Typical bad guy layer." Marcus and I laughed.

"Let's get outta here." He interlocked our fingers and looked into my eyes. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and cheeks turn pink. He smirked and thought; Focus. Obeying I returned his gaze and took a deep breath. I could hear the river flowing, the trees moving in the wind, the birds tweeting high in the sky, and the sound of cars in the distance.

"Forest." Marcus looked at me with a confused expression. "We're in a forest."

"Of all the places." he shook his head. "God this is so cliche. Let's get out of here." He said and began walking forward. Towards freedom and a world that was ours to protect.

*Hey everyone! Thank you for reading that means a lot I hope you enjoy the story

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