Chapter 3 ~ The Girl

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Marcus's POV:

For the past couple of days this nagging voice in the back of my head keeps telling me to go to this place. The first day this started it was like someone was screaming for help. I kept pushing it off as my imagination but it's starting to get annoying.

"Ma! Dad! I'm going out, I'll be back." I yelled.

I got in my car and followed the little voice. I drove for about an hour when the voice told me to pull over. When I did the voice told me to go down the path and then disappeared. I did as instructed but never did I think I would find what I found. A girl that looked no older than me was hanging from rope by her wrists. Her feet barely touch the floor. Her blue shirt was shredded and mangled and some spots were a deep maroon from her blood. Her shorts cover in dirt and blood. Her long golden hair was a mess and had dirt and blood in it. Her face was covered in dirt, blood and bruises. I ran up to her. I put my hands on the side of her face moving her hair so I could look at her face.

"Hey! Miss. Miss." She started to struggle. "Hey hey woah. It's okay, I'm here to help you. My name is Marcus Heeper. What's your name?"

"Nicole. Nicky Marx." She groaned. Her bright green eyes looked tired and scared. Quickly I got out my pocket knife.

"Okay I'm gonna cut you down and get you out of here okay. Do you think you can walk?" She shook her head no. "Okay that's fine. Everything is going to be okay." I assured her.

I quickly cut her down and carried her out of the building. She was so light and cold. I held her closer.

"How'd you find me?" She asked in a gravelly voice just above a whisper.

"For the past couple days I had a nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me where to go. I ignored it at first but it didn't stop so I caved and finally listened. I guess I should have listened sooner huh?" I joked.

"Yeah. Thank you for helping me." I looked down at me and smiled. She seemed more relaxed now.

"Of course." I said.

We were a few feet of my car when a person crashed down on it. Crushing my car. My car. I thought. I was not about to let this guy kill her. I sat her down so she could lay against a tree and stood in front of her. The guy charged at me but I held my ground. I made sure to keep the fight away from Nicky but I wasn't strong enough.

After being tied up, beaten and torchered, I asked him why he was doing this. He just laughed. Then looked at us.

"You have no idea what you are. Do you?" We stayed quiet. "Ugh! You are such sheltered idiots. And humans...ekh! They're even worse!" He yelled.

"Didn't you just technically insult... yourself." Nicky asked in a low gravelly voice. He slapped her causing blood to trickle down her lip.

"Do not ever! Compare me to weak and pathetic humans." He sighed. "You're not human, you're... what they call... Greferine or Crystals."

"Do I need to ask or are you gonna tell us?" I said. Alastor just looked at me with a devilish look. "What's a Crystal you moron!" Alastor drew his arm back and punched me in the gut . The impact of the punch caused me to spit out a wad of blood. Alastor began laughing.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that. You'll be dead soon enough."

"What? What do you mean? Why do you want to kill us? What in the hell did we do to you?!" I yelled. Alastor stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You ask too many questions. Now shut up!" He grabbed a dagger and threw it at Nicky. It lightly grazed her side before hitting something behind us. He turned to look back at us when his eyes went wide and he quickly fled. Nicky and I looked at each other when suddenly a powerful blast sent us flying through the air, breaking off the restraints. We were thrown across the room and rolled across the floor. 

It took a moment for the ringing to stop and to recover. Nicky. Frantically I looked around for her. My eyes landed on a girl up against a pillar. I ran to her and rolled her into my lap. Blood trickled down the side of her head from a deep gash.


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