Chapter 2 ~ The Guy

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Nicky's POV:

Okay so at this point you must be confused, well let me help you understand. Hi! I'm Nicole, Nicky for short. That guy I was with is Marcus and he's my boyfriend. Before your minds start wondering about how we met like I fell and he caught me or him saving me from a drunk driver, but no none of that; I wish. Our story is a lot more complicated rather than romantic.

It all started when I got kidnapped. Yeah this is gonna be one of those stories. Not! You know the person who turned to ash... yeah he kidnapped me... the jerk. He also has powers. Oh and his name was Alastor, I mean of all the names he could have chosen for himself he chose... Alastor. Ugh. Anyway, while I was being held prisoner in an abandoned warehouse, a man came in. He looked as though he was taller than me, his orange hair seemed like fire in the light, he wore a football jersey and black ripped jeans. He ran over to me and held my face in his hands.

"Hey! Miss. Miss." I started to struggle. "Hey hey woah. It's okay, I'm here to help you. My name is Marcus Heeper. What's your name?" Heeper the same last name on the jersey.

"Nicole. Nicky Marx."

"Okay I'm gonna cut you down and get you out of here okay. Do you think you can walk?" I shook my head no. "Okay that's fine. Everything is going to be okay." His voice was smooth, light and calm but his blue eyes screamed fear. Seeing him so calm eased my senses and helped me relax. Relaxed. I haven't felt that since this whole fiasco started.

He cut me down and carried me out of an abandoned building that looked like a warehouse. When he picked me up it was as if I weighed nothing at all. He held me close to his chest, he was so warm.

"How'd you find me?" I asked in a gravelly voice just above a whisper.

"For the past couple days I had a nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me where to go. I ignored it at first but it didn't stop so I caved and finally listened. I guess I should have listened sooner huh?" He joked.

"Yeah. Thank you for helping me." He looked down at me and smiled. His smile was beautiful. His eyes softened while worry and relief seemed to flood his eyes.

"Of course."

We were in sight of his car when Alastor quite literally crushed it. He sat me down against a tree and stood in front of me. I tried to stop him but it was too late. Alastor charged at him, he stood his ground trying his hardest to keep the fight away from me, to protect me but he wasn't strong enough to protect himself let alone both of us. I would have helped but I was barely able to even move let alone stand; it didn't take much for Alastor to capture us. He tied us up, beat us and torchered us. Marcus asked why he was doing this and Alastor just laughed. He looked at us.

"You have no idea what you are. Do you?" We stayed quiet. "Ugh! You are such sheltered idiots. And humans...ekh! They're even worse!" He yelled.

"Didn't you just technically insult... yourself." I said in a low gravelly voice. He slapped me causing blood to trickle down my lip.

"Do not ever! Compare me to weak and pathetic humans." He sighed. "You're not human, you're... what they call... Greferine or Crystals."

"Do I need to ask or are you gonna tell us?" Marcus said. Alastor just looked at him with a devilish look. "What's a Crystal you moron!" Alastor drew his arm back and punched him. The impact of the punch caused him to spit out a wad of blood. Alastor began laughing.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that. You'll be dead soon enough."

"What? What do you mean? Why do you want to kill us? What in the hell did we do to you?!" Marcus yelled. Alastor stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You ask too many questions. Now shut up!" He grabbed a dagger and threw it at me. It lightly grazed my side before hitting something behind us. He turned to look back at us when his eyes went wide and he quickly fled. Marcus and I looked at each other when suddenly a powerful blast sent us flying through the air, breaking off the restraints. We skidded across the floor like rag-dolls. I only stopped when I hit one of the pillars and everything went black.

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