Chapter 11 ~ Alastor

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He was here. With Marcus's little sister. I could sense his blood boiling.

"Alastor. Just do me a favor...and shut up!" Marcus yelled racing towards him. Focusing I used my powers to draw Taylor into my arms. She buried her face in the crook of my neck and cried. Quickly turning I transferred Taylor to her father. Marcus fell at my feet with a loud thud.

"Get them out of here." I said helping him up.

"Not without you. He's distracted. We can make it out." Pulling him closer to me I got up on my tippy toes and kissed him. And when we pulled away I pushed him back.

"Go. I'll be fine." Pulling me close he kissed me again. Hesitating at the doorway he looked back at me and I smiled at him. "I promise." With a straight face he nodded as he ran out to catch up with his family.

"Well that was a mistake." Alastor hissed before lunging at me. Ducking I used my telekinesis to throw him into the wall repeatedly and then dropped him. "You've gotten stronger. Ha. Too bad that bumbling idiot isn't here." Once again he lunged towards me however he drew his leg back and shot it forward hitting me square in the chest. Knocking the wind clear out of me. The force of the kick threw me into the wall behind me. Alastor walked across the room and picked me up by my hair. The feeling of my hair being pulled made me scream out. My hands scratched and clawed at his but it did no good. He threw me across the room once more. And then again threw me over the island and onto the kitchen floor.

The sound of his feet on the kitchen floor made my heart beat faster. As he grabbed the back of my neck I tense up ready for him to throw me back onto the floor. Except it didn't happen. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. It was like his yellow eyes seemed to be peering into my soul scouring every inch trying to find another point of weakness. "Hmm... it's amazing how one little scratch can bleed so much." He said using his free hand to wipe the blood from the gash on my forehead.

"I wouldn't call it a scratch after throwing me around like a bloody rag doll." I spat. Slowly he moved the hand he used to wipe the blood up to my throat and started to choke me. My head began to throb quick and hard; spots danced across my vision; my hands scratching and clawing at his hand once again; my legs flailing about.

The room began to spin and the sound of my heartbeat grew louder in my ears. I could feel the blood rushing to my face, it felt like my head was gonna explode. My lungs felt like they were on fire; and with each struggle to breathe the flame grew in my lungs. The room started to get darker and darker. Everything sounded muffled; the front door bursting open.

"No!" A muffled voice screamed. I knew that voice; I willed myself to keep my eyes open. Alastor looked to the figure that began to run towards us. But in one swift move of Alastors' hand, the figure was thrown back into the wall.

"Nicky. Nicky! I... I can't get to you. Come on stay with me okay listen to my voice." He thought.

"Marcus." I thought before the room went dark and everything was blank.

Falling. It's just like flying except you're going down not up. Before I completely blacked out I could feel Alastor reel me towards him and then with all his force throw me back into another wall.

"No! Nicky! Alastor your dead! I'll kill you for that." Marcus cried.

"You're exhausting." Alastor sighed and that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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