Chapter 6 ~ The Nightmare

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After he left, I took a shower and looked through his sister's clothes before deciding on a pair of booty shorts and crop-top and went downstairs.

"Hey so your sister really doesn't mind me wearing her clothes right?" He turned to talk but looked completely star struck. Clearing his throat he looked down and back up to me as he spoke.

"Um yeah she stopped coming down here a while ago and she's gotten like a whole new wardrobe so I think she won't mind."

"Oh ok. Cool. What's the status of the food situation?" He blinked.

"Oh um we are in desperate need of food."

"I'll go grab a pair of shoes."


When we went to the store we found out we like the same cereal.

"Who doesn't love Captain Crunch?" He said putting a big bag of it in the cart.

"Exactly!" I said, throwing my hands up.

We continued getting groceries until our cart was full. After we checked out and loaded everything into the car and started to drive back to the house.

"Okay so do you like broccoli and chicken Alfredo?"

"I love that my dad makes it all the time!"

"Okay good cause that's all I know how to make." He laughed.

"Lucky for you I know how to bake and cook." I said smiling.


When we got back to the house I put everything away as he began cooking.

"Bon appetit." He said in a funny french accent.

"Oh my gosh this smells amazing!" I took a bite. "And tastes amazing too!"

"You sound surprised." He said, raising an eyebrow with an almost hurt tone.

"No no, I'm so used to my dad's version but this is amazing." He smiled.

Once we finished eating we did the dishes and sat down to watch TV. And with nothing good being on we decided to watch a movie instead.

"Your movie collection is outstanding!" I exclaimed.

"Oh thanks. What do you wanna watch."

"What do you have for Marvel?"

"Um everything." He joked.

"Yay! Sorry I always like geek out over Marvel. I love Marvel."

"Oh don't be sorry I do the same thing. Marvels the best." We spent about 20 minutes with every Marvel movie around us until we decided to watch Venom.

During the movie, I started dozing off when Marcus nudged my shoulder.

"Hey why don't you go to bed. You keep dozing off."

"Yeah I think that's a good idea." I said getting up. "Goodnight." I called down the stairs.

"Night Nicky."

When I got in 'my' room I closed the door and slipped into some pj's and got settled in bed. Behind my eyelids I could see lights flashing red, orange and yellow. But it wasn't was fire.

When the nightmare ended I woke up screaming and crying. Bolting up I felt a pair of arms wrap around me making me freak out and flail about.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Nicky! Nicky! It's okay. You're okay." I looked into Marcus's eye and saw worry as he shifted himself in front of me to look in my eyes while still holding my hand.

I could feel him searching my mind for the nightmare when it popped up. Once again I heard the screams of the people on Earth, all I could see was the slaughter of billions of people as they burned. The Earth was on fire. And at the center of it all was Alastor. Just as suddenly as it came the horrific dream was gone. Before he could say anything I broke down thinking of all the death.

Marcus pulled me close hugging me and I melted into his embrace. I don't ever want to let go. He thought; which made me smile. I don't either. I thought; he laughed and without pulling away he spoke.

"You know we really need to figure these powers out."

"Yeah." We laughed. After a minute of two of comfortable silence until he pulled away to get up. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head and headed for the door. I could feel he didn't want to leave; I know I didn't want him to.

"Marcus?" He looked at me. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" He smiled.

"Scooch." I moved the blanket and moved over making room for him so he could lay down next to me. Once he got settled I snuggled up to him resting my head on his chest and one arm across his torso. "Shhh. It's okay I'm here. I'm here." He said soothing my hair. He moved his hand to stroke my arm and slowly we let sleep take over.

*Halfway done! Whatcha think?*

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