Chapter 8 ~ "Where'd The Door Even Go"

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After that for the rest of the night we were on edge. Every creak of the floorboards or the AC starting, sent us through the roof. And eventually we fell asleep on the couch. Although that's what I remember.

When I woke up I was in my room but not in my bed; I was on the floor. I was still wearing my workout clothes I wore while training. When I tried to get up, stars danced around the room. My head ached and I'm pretty sure my nose is broken. I tried to stand but immediately sat back down when pain shot through my ankle like a lightning bolt. I closed my eyes and imagined my ankle healing. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath and started to get up. 

Slowly I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Yeah my nose is definitely broken, blood trailed underneath it and onto my lip, the left side of my head had dried blood on it followed by a deep gash. Once again, closing my eyes I imagined everything being healed; when I opened my eyes the deep gash was gone and my nose was no longer crooked. 

I grabbed a face cloth and soaked it in warm water and wiped the dried blood from the side of my head and under my nose. Walking back into the bedroom I suddenly tripped and fell on something cold and hard. The door? Why was the door on the floor? Marcus where are you? I thought. No answer.

When I got up I put on a sweatshirt that was at the end of the bed and went to the hallway to make my way downstairs. I was taken back when I saw that every picture frame was broken. There were holes as big as a person in the walls. Glass and parts of the wall littered the hallway. I ran back into my room and quickly put on my sneakers.

"Marcus! Where are you? Marcus! " I called. Still no answer.

I ran into his room. Nothing. I ran across the hall into his parents room. But still nothing. I ran down the hall towards the kitchen. When I reached the base of the stairs I froze. It looked like a tornado went through the house. The front door was ripped off its hinges and nowhere to be seen, the couch was knocked over, the fridge had a dent the size of a person on its door. The shelf that had the movies on it was in the middle of the room and movies were everywhere. And the wooden table in the dining room was broken in half and in between the two broken pieces was Marcus.

"Marcus!" I yelled racing toward him and dropped onto my knees next to him. His clothes were torn and bloody. His jaw, cheek and eye had bruises, his left cheek had a cut that shed a single drop of blood. His knuckles were caked in blood. His nose and lips were bloody.

"Marcus! Oh my god. Marcus wake up! I need you to wake up." Nothing. "Hold on okay I'm gonna try something." Getting the feeling I was being watched I turned around, but nothing was there. 

Shaking it off I put my hand on the side of his face and closed my eyes and focused on him waking up. Suddenly I felt something gently hold my hand. I opened my eyes to see his blue eyes staring back at me. He still had wounds but he was awake and that's all I cared about. He went to speak but I stopped him.

"Heal yourself first." He nodded but then went to speak again.

"Be—" I stopped him.

"Marcus you need to heal first."

"Yes. Heal yourself first Marcus." A voice said behind me. I turned to see Alastor standing by the couch. It looked as though he was holding a greenish blue flame in his right hand. "Heal yourself so you'll have a chance."

"A chance for what." I snapped.

"A chance to live." He said quickly as he moved his arm forward sending the greenish blue flame towards us.

I turned around and instinctively covered my head. Suddenly I felt someone grab me and hold me from behind. Slowly the flame disappeared. I noticed Marcus was gone and I was still being held. I turned in the figures arm and when I looked up a wave of relief washed over me. It was Marcus. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him; he wrapped his arms around my waist and returned the warm embrace. When we let go we assessed the damage...which was a lot.

"You wanna take upstairs or down here?" Marcus asked with a sigh.

"I'll take upstairs." I said,

As I was rummaging through the broken picture frames I stopped when I saw a picture of Marcus and his younger sister, Misty, holding his baby sister Taylor. Oh my god this is the cutest thing. Ever! I thought. I heard the pounding steps of Marcus running up the stairs.

"Nope! No no no. I forgot there were baby pictures up here." He said quickly going through the rubble grabbing a few pictures.

"You look so happy in this picture." He moved behind me to look over my shoulder.

"Yea in that picture I was holding her and she must have had a nightmare or something cause she jumped and started crying. And I looked down at her and whispered 'It's okay. I'm here. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you I promise. I mean what else is a big brother supposed to do?' And she stopped crying."


"Yea yea yea." He stopped and looked at the damage. "Great now I'm gonna have to fix that." He sighed and walked back downstairs.

After a while of me sweeping up glass I decided to give up on scooping and to just use my powers. And it worked a lot better than I thought. I made my way downstairs carrying a full bag of trash.

"Ah! Ha! Thank god! Okay so I need your help. I have been working as long as you and barely made a flipping dent." He said in a whining voice. Rolling my eyes I dropped my garbage bag and focused on moving the debris into the garbage bag Marcus was holding.

"Hey that's cheating!" He yelled.

"No that's being resourceful." I corrected. "Also I think now would be a good time to practice one of our powers."

"Oh what one?"

"Making things out of thin air."

"Oh yeah! Good idea!"

We pretty much did exactly what we did with the telekinesis. One at a time we took a deep breath and focused, closing our eyes. We both focused on a chair seeing that all the chairs were now wood chips. Opening our eyes two identical chairs were standing in front of us. Smiling at each other we branched off and started fixing and remaking items. All that was left was the front door.

"Where'd the door even go?" Marcus said, flailing his arms.

"I don't know." I laughed.

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