Chapter 10 ~ The Parents

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When I woke up my back was up against Marcus's chest and I was still wrapped up in his arms. Slowly I rolled over in his arms careful to not wake him. I looked into his relaxed face, memorizing every detail; his ruffled charcoal black beach wave hair, his flawless pale skin, his long eyelashes, perfect nose, soft pink lips, and perfectly chiseled jawline. His arms twitched as he shifted, pulling me closer to his chest. My hand smoothed over his arm and shoulder, finally resting on his chest. Overwhelmed with a sudden wave of tiredness I snuggled up closer to him and rested my head against his chest and fell back asleep.

Opening my eyes I moved my head off of Marcus to look around. My eyes landed on the tv to see Grown-Ups playing; but instead of sound the subtitles were on.

"You can turn it up if you'd like." I grumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"I didn't wanna wake you. So I turned on the subtitles." He explained turning off the subtitles and turning on the sound.

"You're so sweet." I mumbled

"You're just noticing this now?!"

"How humble." He laughed.

We stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for a while. Soon both our stomachs growled and we decided to get up so we could eat. As we reached the landing of the stairs Marcus used his powers to open the cupboards to get the pancake mix and a mixing bowl. Once everything was on the counter he himself grabbed the whisk and mixed up the batter. As he was mixing everything together I cooked the sausage and bacon. I made a joke about how us occupying the same space was like doing the waltz. And once Marcus finished with the dishes he sat next to me at the breakfast bar and we started to eat. Halfway through eating Marcus told a story that made us both start laughing hysterically.

Suddenly we heard a car driving up the dirt driveway. Our heads snapped to the front door. As we got up Marcus moved in front of me protectively. When the door opened four figures emerged from the door.

"Mom?! Dad?!" Marcus said in shock.

"Marky!" Yelled a little voice.

"Hey Taylor!" He said picking her up and hugging her. Still holding Taylor, Marcus went over to his parents and Misty and gave them hugs.

"Marcus?" Turned back to his mom after putting Taylor down. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Nicole."

"Oh but you can call me Nicky." I reached over shaking their hands.

"Are you two dating?" Misty asked. Marcus and I looked at each other.

"No but I'm hoping I can sway her into going out on a date."

"Wait are you being serious?" I thought.

"Maybe." He smirked. "I had her sleep in your room Misty. I hope that's okay."

"Yea! Totally but that might be a problem for tonight."

"Oh yea... I'll take the couch and Nicky, you can take my room."

"Oh no I can't ask you to do that."

"Ha too bad I insist."

"Hey no fair." I lightly hit his arm.

"Are you proposing sharing the bed?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh was" I stammered. Marcus laughed.

"Well only if you're okay with it."

"It's fine with me. I guess." I said looking down feeling a little embarrassed in front of his parents.


After sitting down the question Marcus and I've been dreading.

"So Marcus why didn't you call us and tell us where you were. You worried us." His mom asked.

"And the truth Marcus." For a second Marcus looked shocked until his father finished his sentence. "I saw that look in your eye."

"Taylor why don't you go upstairs and unpack?" His little sister jumped up and smiled running up the stairs. "Misty why don't you go up with her?" Marcus said.

"Yeah nice try I'm not going anywhere."

Marcus started from the very beginning talking about when he first started hearing my voice. And everything about being kidnapped and then him saving me. And everything else up to this point. His parents exchanged worried looks while his sister came over and hugged me.

"OMG! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm really happy your brother found me. The first night I was here I could have sworn I gave him a heart attack."

"Oh! You did. I honestly thought he had found us again."

"What happened?" Misty asked.

"I had a...nightmare/vision." The sound of Taylor coming down the stairs drew our attention. However it didn't seem like she was alone. Marcus and I exchanged a look and thought the same thing.

"When they come down, Nicky, use our telekinesis to grab Taylor. I'll handle Alastor. Mom, Dad, Misty get ready to run to the car."


Just then Taylor walked down the stairs and just as suspected she wasn't alone.

"Aw. The gang's all here." Alastor spoke. A tear rolled down Taylor's cheek as Alastor stroked her hair.

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