Chapter 6

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I have now decided if one more person asks me what gender I am, I will strap them down and force them to a Justin Bieber concert.

Not only has it seemed to be the schools new game for me, Gilbert has also taken a liking to call me girl. The reasoning, and I quote, is:

"Because he sure acts like a pussy enough to have one."

I'm perfectly aware that I don't really ACT as every teenage boy on this God forsaken earth acts, all hyped up on hormones and ready to pick a fight with anyone that looks at them the wrong way, but I'm sure I don't act like a girl.


Sighing I spin around and meet Ivan. I offer a weak cordial smile. Glancing both ways I sigh quietly, relieved to see Alfred is not there to start something.

"Are you going to be joining hockey?"

I blinked at the question and laugh quietly shrugging. When I was younger I was a star at hockey. I probably wouldn't be a star now.

Shrugging I mumble "Probably not, I couldn't balance that between school and work. I also don't have the money...."

For some reason when the Russian man in front of me deflated I felt guilt ebb at my edges.

"Sorry..." I whisper quietly.

The awkward pause floated through the air as he seemed to be thinking. That pause ends when a body crashes into him. I freeze in terror expecting to see an infuriated Alfred mounting Ivan. The surprise comes when I see it's Gilbert scowling, hands twisted in the sweatshirt. I pause, not daring to say anything. I'm sure an expression of mixed confusion and terror was plastered on my face as I watched the two. Finally my senses came to me enough to hear what this is about.

"What are you doing here you bastard!" Gilbert hissed, as Ivan looked bored. Receiving no answer, the scowl deepened.


Finally Ivan's eyes met Gilbert's, and he offered a pleasant expression. I swear I could see a terrifying purple aura around the Russian as he responded

"To get schooling, da? I could ask you the same thing."

Gilbert gulped, and the saliva seemed to taste bitter with the expression he was making. Turning, he looked at me as if he just noticed I was there.

"Stay the Hell away."

Staring at Ivan as he said that, he then glanced at me again. Quickly he got up and jogged away as if nothing happened.

What the HELL?

Was he talking to both of us? Or just Ivan? Was he simply telling Ivan to stay away from him? Or was he telling him to possibly.... stay away from me?

An uneasiness grew in my chest as I brushed it away completely and walked over to the big Russians side. He, which it turns out, seemed to be fine.

"W-What was that about?"

I mutter, we were now both sitting in the hallway as the bell rang. I wasn't really noticed anyway, so I could sneak into class. If I was caught I could say I went to the bathroom and they'd forget I wasn't originally in the classroom in the first place.

Ivan smiled, and completely brushed off the attack. "Would you join hockey if I payed for the equipment and everything?"

I could feel my expression twist into a bewildered confusion, my voice high as I muttered "I still have work, my job doesn't pay that much, and I have a lot of hours to put in to make decent pay...."

Why was he so insistent?

"I could find you a better job that pays good money with less hours!" He chirped back.

The fight that just happened completely left my mind. It would be nice to play hockey again. I always loved the sport, and I wouldn't be too bad. I'd be home less, and if the job he found could really pay more....

I stopped my thoughts right then and there. Was I actually considering this! I couldn't. I have my schedule, and hockey doesn't fit in! Plus, I wouldn't be able to practice after beatings! Even if I joined, they wouldn't stop. I could never risk the marks and scars being found in the locker room.

"I have to keep my grades up, juggling all that will prove difficult..." I quietly protested, not really feeling the argument in my heart.

Watching as his expression changed to nothing, he sighed and nodded. Getting up he muttered "I should get to class! See you laters."

Watching as he walked away I turned and grabbed my books glancing at my watch for the time. Closing my locker door I began to walk to my study hall class, and that's when I realized something.

I never found out what the fight was about.

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