Tyler's Secret

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Caroline's Pov :

It's been three months since I Last seen Klaus at graduation. Also 3 months since he allowed Tyler to come back home, but he hasn't came yet. But today that changes ,today is THE DAY that he called and told me he was coming back. Now we can finally start college together and finally be happy with no Klaus interference's.

Bonnie is out travelling the world and I'm happy for her, she sends post cards but that's it she doesn't text or call. Sometimes she emails me. But the only person she calls or text is Jeremy, which by the way is totally unfair.

I've seen Elena maybe once or twice. Damon and Elena have been to busy being wrapped up in each other to notice what's going on in the real world. When they're together its only about Damon and Elena and it makes me sick. It's not that I'm not happy for her because I am, even though I am and will always be team Stelena, her and Damon are toxic. But as long as she's happy I'm happy.

Stefan, don't even get me started on Stefan. He hasn't been seen since he went to go drop Silas in the falls. He doesn't answer his phone either. At first I thought it was because of the whole Damon and Elena non-since, but even if that was the case he still would've texted or called to let me know he's ok. Now I'm starting to get worried. A couple of weeks ago I had a witch do a locator spell on him and Bonnie and she couldn't find either one them. She told me they we're either cloaked or dead, I really hope its the first one. I told Damon and Elena they just shrugged it off and told me not to worry.

This summer has been really SUCKISH. I just want to be happy and start college with my bestfriends and my boyfriend. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I squealed, jumped off the bed and ran to the door. I opened it and there he was. My handsome boyfriend who I haven't seen in 3 months. Although I was so happy I didn't notice the frown that he wore on his well sculpted features.

"TYLER!" I beamed at him. Just as I was about to hug him he stopped me. I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Hey care ,I have to tell you something." He says sounding depressed as ever. I stepped aside with a frown.

"It can't wait," I ask really not needing anymore depressing news this year.


"ok Ty your scaring me what is it." I say starting to worry.

"It's Haley," he says slowly. I raise an eyebrow at him as if saying "OK..."

"Sh-She's pregnant," He stutters. Now I'm really confused.

"and..." I ask trying decipher what her being pregnant has to do with anything.

"It's mine and she's my mate. It's over Care. I'm sorry." He says and starts walking towards the door.

"W-What! Where is she now?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"New Orleans, Klaus thinks its his she just told me this morning."

Now I'm fuming. This were-slut not only slept with Tyler but Klaus to, and she's manipulating him. I don't know why I'm so mad that she slept with Klaus, but the fact that she did makes my blood boil.

"ok," I say and start walking past Tyler towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Tyler ask me I don't respond I just vamp-speed out before he can stop me.

From a distance I can see him speeding towards me and calling my name. But I just cut a corner so he can't catch up with me. Once I know that he's not behind me anymore. I vamp speed down the highway.


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