MalPhilIndo Ship

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Indo: "Hey Philip! Have you seen- "

Philip: He didn't have a shirt on so his many tattoos were visible.

Mal and Indo: They blush a lot.

Philip: "Huh?" He turns around and blushes a lot. "G-Guys?! W-Why didn't you kn-knock?!?!"

Mal: He smirks slightly with his red face. "If we knew you were even hotter without a shirt, we'd knock even less~~"

Philip: More blushing.

Indo: He walks up to Philip and looks at the tattoos on his back. He gently touches them. "Hey love, why do you have so many tattoos?"

Philip: He looks away with his red cheeks from Indo touching his back. "I don't really want to talk about it..."

Mal: He holds Philip's hand before cupping his cheek. "Did someone hurt you?"

Philip: He nods slowly. "S-Spanish Empire..." His tattoos cover the many scars on his body from the time S.E controlled his country.

Indo: He hugs Philip from behind. "It's alright Philip... You don't need to explain... We understand..."

Philip: He starts to cry a bit.

Mal: He hugs him too.

Philip: He full on starts sobbing as Mal and Indo hug him tightly. He starts to hiccup as more tears fall.

Indo: He makes him sit in his lap as he continues to comfort him.

Philip: He grips his shirt tightly.

Mal: He gets a blanket and wraps all three of them in it. "Calm down Philip... I'm so sorry..."

Philip: He finally stops crying. "I-It's alright..."

Mal: "No its not..." He gently kisses his lips.

Philip: He slowly kisses back.

Indo: He nuzzles them both with his hands-on Philip's waist.

Philip: He blushes a lot before giggling a tiny bit.

Mal: "Feel better?"

Philip: He nods with a smile.

Indo: He lifts him up by his waist.

Philip: "Meep! H-Hey!!"

Mal: He smiles before following Indo to the bed.

Indo: He keeps him close to his chest before pulling Mal into his lap as well.

Mal: He blushes. "No fair!!"

Indo: "So what?~~" He kisses both of their lips.

Mal: He sticks his tongue out at him with red cheeks.

Philip: He giggles a bit more before leaning his head against Mal's chest. "I love you guys..."

Indo: "We love you too Philip!"

Mal:"And don't ever forget that we do!!"

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