Chapter 2: The Bullet That Ricocheted

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(Y/n pov)

Today is my date with Aya, I walked to Hanasakigawa as I saw her wearing a cute dress that even made me look at her with hearts in my eyes... Something I've never done before.

Aya: Good morning, Y/n!

Y/n: Good morning! Shall we go now? We have a day ahead of us!

Aya: Where are we even going?

Y/n: The amusement park!

Aya: That sounds fun.

Y/n: What're you waiting for? C'mon!

I grabbed her hand as we took a cab and went to the amusement park.

~Few minutes later~

We reached the amusement park as we went in line, waited for a few minutes until we were allowed to go in.

Aya: I've only went here a few times...

Y/n: Same here...

Aya: Look at the cute teddy bear!

Aya pointed out the teddy bear at one of the stall's prize corner.

Y/n: Want me to get it for you?

Aya: You would? Yay!

We walked to the stall, I paid money to play and... I easily won...

Stall attendee: Here's your prize! One, big teddy bear!

The attendee gave it to me as I gave it to Aya.

Aya: Thanks, Y/n!

: Ah, Hello, young knight!

Someone said as we looked to see who it was, it was Kaoru with Kanon.

Y/n: Hey! What are you guys doing here?

Kanon: HHW planned to go here. The others are trying out rides... I don't know about Misaki-chan if she could still handle Kokoro and Hagumi...

Kaoru: Are we disturbing you at your date?

Kanon: Aya-chan?! You're on a date with Y/n? Fue...

Aya: Pretty much... But it's more of a friendly date.

Kaoru: Ah, I see. We'll be going now. Have a fleeting date!

Y/n: We will.

Kaoru and Kanon then walked away...

Aya: Y/n, I think we should have lunch first...

Y/n: Good idea.

We went and eat lunch as we continued riding rides. We eventually got to the haunted house.


Aya: Wah!

She screamed in fear as she hugged me... Not gonna lie... It was kinda nice getting hugged by her...

Aya: Sorry I was just surprised.

Y/n: Don't worry you can cling on to me.

She clung to my arm until we made our way out...

Aya: It's getting late... How about the ferris wheel to end the day?

Y/n: Sounds good.

We went there and...

Aya: Y/n, why did you even invite me on a date in the first place?

I can't say my true intentions... I look at her back having a cute smile... Why is it like this?

Y/n: Well, I just wanted to know you better...

Aya: That's it?

Y/n: Pretty much...

After that, the atmosphere became akward until the end of the ride... We said our goodbyes and separated ways...


(3rd person pov)

Y/n: Dammit! Have I fallen in love with her? This can't be, I cant. I want to crush her heart. Why is this happening?

As Y/n was being all evil again meanwhile at Aya's room.

Aya: I think I like Y/n...

Aya said as she hugge the teddy bear that Y/n gave her.

Aya: This feeling, just doesn't stop... I am in love with him.

Aya said as she hugged the teddy bear tighter until she dozed off to sleep.

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