-Chapter 16- This Can't Be Real

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I walked to the kitchen table and checked the test.


I checked the box one more time. If there was a plus sign... your pregnant. There was a clear sight of a plus sign.

I had gasped loudly and fell to my knees crying. Temari ran to my side. She looked at the test. She gasped as well.

"Wa-wait... so... That means... Y-Your... actually pregnant....." Temari was overwhelmed. I couldn't stop crying. I wasn't prepared for this.

"Come here." Temari spread her arms out. I hugged her sobbing. Temari hugged me back. She had tears run down her cheeks too.

After 30 mins..

"What are you going to do..?" Temari asked. I had calmed down. I stayed silent. I was on my bed hugging my knees. Temari was next to me.

"Are you going to abort it...?" Temari asked. I wanted to abort it but something tells me not too. I loved kids. I used to babysit when I was 14. It was hard but I enjoyed it. I sighed.

"No.." I said. "I'll take care of it." I said.  Temari then sat next to me with a smile.

"Sooo.... can I be the aunt?" Temari smiled. I chuckled.

"Sure why not." I smiled. Maybe this wasn't so bad. It seems like a good thing. Ish. Wait I forgot I'm underage...


"But... I'm underage... what is the school going to think about me..." I said. Temari didn't even think about my age.

"Ah shit... I'm so sorry." Temari said.

"Why are you saying sorry?" I asked.

"If I hadn't gotten you drunk... You and Neji wouldn't had done it and this wouldn't have happened." Temari felt horrible.

"It's alright... I-" I was interrupted by the door creaking. It was Sakura.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" Sakura asked.

"Your eyes are all puffy and pink. Did something happen..?" Sakura asked.

"You don't have to tell her." Temari whispered to me. I noticed the test was still on the table. I quickly grabbed it and hid it under my sweater. Sakura looks at me with confusion.

". . . I. . . Um. . ." I wasn't sure how to say this. Sakura sat on Temari's bed. I took out the test and threw it at  her. I hid my face on my knees in embarrassment.

I heard her gasp.

"No way. This is a prank isn't it?" Sakura said. I shook no.

"Its... real." Temari said. Sakura stared. Then I felt a hug. Sakura hugged me.

"Congratulations!!" Sakura yelled.

"W-Wait... how old are You Tenten..?" Sakura asked.

". . . ¹⁷ . . ." I had just turned 17. My birthday was in October 10th. It was one of the reason why my name was Tenten. Because it was 10/10.

"Who is the father?!" Sakura asked.

". . . ₙₑⱼᵢ . . ." I knew it was his. I only did it with him

"Tenten?" Neji knocked on the door.

"Urk..." Temari sighed. They all looked at me. It was my choice to tell him. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey Ten-" I interrupted him.

"We need to talk right now." I said. Neji looks at me with confusion. I pulled him inside and closed the door.

"W-what is wrong...? Have you been crying?" Neji was worried about me.

"Neji... Um...so...uh..." I fiddled with my sweater. I began to cry again. Neji panicked not knowing why I was crying.

"Tenten what is wrong?!" Neji asked.

"I-I-I'M..... H-H-Having.... A-A-A..." I stuttered.

"ᵇᵃᵇʸ" I said it quietly.

"Can you say it louder. Your too quiet. You having a what?" Neji said.

"IM HAVING A BABY!!!" I yelled and began to sob uncontrollably. Neji stares at me trying to process it.

"A-A-Are you sure...?" Neji asked.

"Here is the test... if... you want to see it.." Sakura showed the test. Neji saw it and he was so overjoyed.

"Tenten... I-I'm so happy! But scared! This is... Amazing and Horrible at the same time. I- are you okay with this? I promise to help you raise the child." Neji said. I look at him. I never felt so relieved to hear him say that. He hugged me. I could hear him crying a bit too.

"I'm keeping it then." I said. I eventually smiled as I cried.

"We should have a party. This can be a way to tell everyone too." Sakura said.

"Hai. Let's do it this weekend" I said.


"Why is there a party..." Shikamaru groaned. Everyone was here. We had fruits and snacks. The game was on. It was fun. Eventually Neji and I felt ready to tell them. We both stood up.

"Hey everyone. There is a reason why there is a party here. I have an announcement I want to tell you all." I said. Everyone looked at me. Sasuke paused the T.V.

I took a deep breath. I looked at Neji. He smiled at me. I picked up a picture and showed it to everyone. It was an ultrasound. There was a small little baby. It took everyone a second to realize what that thing was.

"Is... That... Your baby...?" Ino asked. I nodded with a smile. Ino then gasped loudly and squealed with excitement.

"Holy shit! No way!" Shikamaru said. Everyone got all excited. Hinata started bawling. Ino was freaking out. Sasuke just stared. Naruto was excited. Shikamaru was shocked. The reactions were funny.


"Due Date is... August 14th..." I smiled

TenTen's High-school Life (NejiTen)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora