Chapter 2

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There was five more minutes before the day was over and it being the last day of school made it even better.

6..5..4..3..2..1! People counted down.

School was out and people were running out of their classes, through the halls, and there were papers flying everywhere. Even people screaming!

I decided I would meet up with Monique and ask her if she wanted to come home with me.

Serena: Hey. Meet me at the front by the crosswalk.

Monique: Sure..One sec

Serena: Ok

I waited for her for about five minutes and then I see a tall brunette walking my way. I walk over to meet her and hug her.

"Hey" She greeted me.

"Hey..I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over my house today?" I ask as we walked toward the crosswalk.

"Sure. Let me just text my mom" she replied and pulled out her phone.

A couple seconds later she said it was fine with her mom, so we began our way to my house.

"So how was your day?" She asked as we walked through some crunchy leaves that were scattered across the sidewalk.

"Just like all the other days" I answered,"What about yours?"

"It was okay it's just that my geometry class was super boring" she replied a bit annoyed of her class.

"Well at least you don't have to deal with that for a while" I smiled at my best friend.

"True." She smiled back and laughed. "I can't believe we are going to be Juniors!" She exclaimed, a bit excited.

"I know! The years flew by so fast."

"Yeah." She replied as we approached my big white home with many bushes, a black gate, and to many windows. I honestly don't even know how we can afford this house with just one parent and my part time job at a shoe store.

We walked in and took off our jackets and hung them on the coat rack. We walked into the kitchen and I find a note on the dining table.

The note read Hi sweetie. I had to work a late shift at the hospital today. I'll see you soon. Love, Mom.xx

"Well my mom is working late today. And you can stay as long as you want" I told Monique as I hopped onto the granite counter top.

"Actually, Does your mom mind if I spend the night? Because I reeeeaaallyy don't want to go home" she asked as she hopped onto the island that was placed just in front of me.

"Of course not. We still have those clothes that you left the last time you slept over. They're in the hallway closet" I answered her, "Let me go get them"

"Okay. Thanks so much." She hopped off the counter and gave me a hug.

"No problem" I said and smiled at her while walking away to get her clothes.

"Do you have any food?!" She called from the kitchen. "I'm starving!"

"Yeah..Just look in the fridge and get whatever you want!" I shouted back.

I walk back into the kitchen and I see Monique sitting on the counter waiting for her pizza to finish warming up in the microwave.

"Thanks." She said as I handed her her clothes. "I'm going to put these in your room." She said.

"Okay." I replied.

I felt like eating something sweet so I opened the freezer and got the bucket of cookie dough ice-cream and grabbed a spoon out of the cabinet and ate the ice-cream out of the bucket. It was delicious.

"You guys have so much stairs. I'm out of breath" She said once she stepped into the kitchen. She grabbed her pizza and hopped onto the counter in front of me and bit into her pizza.

"Mmm..This is so good!" She groaned as she took another bite.

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed pointing the spoon to the bucket of ice-cream.

"We sound like we're having sex!" She said and laughed loudly. I did the same.

"But seriously this pizza is so good!" She said once our laughing fit was over. We finished our food in pure silence and headed to my room.

"So what are planning on doing for summer break?" She asked as she plops down on the edge of my bed.

"I don't know to be honest. Probably just be bored" I giggled and laid beside her on my black comforter.

"My parents say that they are taking me to florida and just to have fun on the beach and Disney World." She sounded happy but there was a little bit of disappointment in her tone.

"You don't sound to happy about it" I told her.

"I'm just not looking forward to the heat. Because i'm so used to the cold I really don't know how I would like it" She explained.

"Oh. Yeah. Make sure you take lots of pictures on the beach. I think you will like it." I said.

"I will. But i'm going to miss you so much" She said leaning in for a hug.

"I'll miss you too" I said back to her, hugging her tighter.

A couple more hours, of talking about our boring lives, later we heard the front door open and we started to walk down stairs.

"Mom?!" I called from the top of the stairs.

"In the living room sweetie!" She shouted back.

Monique and I skipped down the stairs and met her in the living room.

"Hi mom" I said hugging her and taking her purse to put it away.

"Hi sweetie. Hello Monique" she said smiling at my best friend.

"How was work?" I asked her as she removed her work shoes from her tired feet.

"It was okay. Same as the other days. What about your guys' last day? I can't believe you guys are going to be juniors!" She exclaimed as she brought us into a little group hug.


"Yes dear?" She answered.

"Are we going to do anything for summer break this year?" I asked with a small pout.

"Yes. We are actually." She said with a smile meeting her eyes.

"What?! Where are we going? What are we going to do?!" I asked overly excited.

"Well, we are going to...Ohio!" She exclaimed.

"Yayy!! Thank you so much mom! I heard that place is a lot of fun." I jumped up and down clapping. I hugged her and gave her a giant kiss on the cheek.

"That's why I wanted to take you. But we will have to be staying with some friends of mine and their son." She said with her tone full of joy.

Hello!! This is my first official fanfic book. These are the first 2 chapters, I'll update 2 more as soon as I can. I PROMISE!!

Love ya!

Bent (Kyle David Hall)Where stories live. Discover now