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THE CHICAGO MAFIA WAS PART OF THE POTERE. Potere meant power, and they were the definition of power. Their authority over their territory was unyielding and whoever went against them was bound to get hurt. Making allies was never a problem until they got signs of their men dying on missions, finding a cross on their necks, when they were sent back the dead, bloodied bodies.

It made them frustrated to no avail. They knew their mafia was in danger but who would want to go against them? Adelina immediately knew something was up when she got a call from her mom asking her to come to headquarters.

'Headquarters' was a term they wanted to meet at their main mansion, excluding the others thrown across their area. The yearly ball was coming up in a week, and Adelina had no intention to attend it. Watching Associates interact with one another, the powerful men forced to mingle, get along.

Adelina walked through the black doors of the dark mansion, Omerta written on the side, hidden from plain view. She could hear the small chatter of voices greeting her, nodding her head at the soldiers.

The mansion was secured, no one was able to enter without permission unless you knew the code at the gates. It was long, but she was able to memorize it in under two minutes. There was a reason she never slacked off in school, even though she could study at home.

After coming home last night, Adelina could tell she was in a bad mood, but why? It was probably the memory of Ella and her going to a club to get wasted, or maybe when her brother used to tell her to go to sleep and drop the alcohol.

She picked up the extra bottle of whiskey, she kept in her room and took a long swig, not knowing what happened after that, waking up to find herself in a compromising position on her very uncomfortable chair.

"Father, Mother." she greeted, opening the double doors to their office. She had a good relationship with her family but she only got to see them five times a year at most. Everyone had their own responsibilities and if they didn't complete them, they would be in trouble.

"Adelina, look how much you've grown" her mom comes up to her, pulling her into a hug as Adelina smiles embracing her. She truly did miss her family and even though seeing them brought up haunting memories, she knew she would never be able to let them go.

"It's only been 6 months mama." Adelina mutters, before sitting down on the couch about to ask for Valentina, before she comes out of the closet giggling as she jumps onto her lap.

Valentina- Adelina's little sister, she was only three years old but she knew more about the world than a 16 year old. Her parents knew it was dangerous to try for another child, but they were devastated when-

"The ball's next week, we expect you to be there." Angelo Lombardi states. Adelina's relationship with her father had never been 'exquisite' ; he was reserved and didn't interact with people unless it was absolutely necessary, but he was getting old and he needed to hand down the position as Capo to someone else. Adelina was his only heir left, but no one had ever heard of a woman leading a mafia no matter how powerful she may be. It was absurd.

Adelina looks straight ahead, as Valentina slowly stands on her lap placing a kiss to her forehead. Valentina truly was a pure soul, she didn't know the dangers of being born in a mafia family especially one as powerful as the Lombardi's.

Smiling softly at the gesture, Adelina hugs Valentina tightly, swooning at her cuteness. She missed when she was able to spend everyday with her siblings, cracking jokes about their life and the dangers of it. They always seemed to brighten up her day, but it's been 7 years since those days. Things have altered, people have changed.

"Okay." Adelina says, not paying attention to her parents as she nuzzles her head into Valentina's neck, making her giggle. Elena and Angelo Lombardi stare at their daughters, pain clearly shown on their faces. 'The world wasn't fair, how could they take two of our kids away from us.'

The Yearly Ball was the altered form of the Met Gala, hosted by the Americans. Powerful mafia families from all over the world were required to come and interact with one another, hopefully forming alliances. Adelina never understood why they were required to come, maybe some families were already powerful on their own.

They had a reputation to uphold, and nobody would expect The Potere to skip. Adelina's eyes drifted to the first time she went to the ball. She was fifteen and her twin had been by her side. They were wearing black and white, the gorgeous twins immune to the paparazzi's curious gazes.

That will never happen again. A pang of pain went through her heart, her throat closing up as thoughts of her soulmate passed through her head. She didn't deserve it, it should've been me.

"Adelina, are you okay?" her mother's worried voice fills her ears, "we've been calling you for five minutes."

"I'm good, just tired." Adelina responds, blinking back tears as she runs her hands through Valentina's hair. Her emotionless facade back up as she shakes her head at her mother, when she's about to reply back.

Picking up Valentina and placing her at her hip, Adelina moves to head out of the room, her head pounding. Turning back, she offers a half-hearted smile at her parents before walking out of the room, the double doors shutting behind her.


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