•IV - Malum•

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"DRACO MALFOY has been sighted with a mystery woman!" shouted the Greengrass' doorman, making everyone look at him in surprise.

Everyone, along with Astoria, Daphne, the Malfoys, and the Greengrass', and lastly, Francis Warrenton- whom both Mr. Greengrass, and Mrs. Greengrass had no idea why he still was there, but he was.

Narcissa shook her head in disbelief, "That can't be right, he's not seeing anyone!"

Mr. Greengrass then, ushered the Malfoy out of their house, "If he's seeing someone, then he cannot marry my daughter!"

"But he isn't!" exclaimed Narcissa.

Lucius then, stopped the front door from closing, "Give us time, atleast until dawn, we will find him, I swear to you."

The g=Greengrass' gave each other a look, "Very well, until dawn," said Mrs. Greengrass, and with that, they shut the door, making Lucius curse under his breath.

Oh how much trouble Draco was in.

* * *

Meanwhile in the land of the dead, Draco ran, and ran. To nowhere- and anywhere.

He climbed some random staircase, not expecting it to be a dead end. But it is. Draco looked around to find some way out, but he was too late.

"There you are!" exclaimed the corpse bride.

A shudder ran down the blonde's spine as the girl walked towards him with a light smile.

"Am I really dead?" Draco couldn't help but ask.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, and let out a laugh, "Oh, you're confused! Don't you worry, you're not dead- just married," she said.

Draco didn't know how to feel. How was that supposed to make him feel better? 

"Very funny," the blonde rolled his eyes, and sat down on the bench- that when you look at it, it's actually a coffin. He can't wait to wake up from this dream, if it was.

"It's true!" said the girl, sitting beside him. She grabbed Draco's hand, and slapped it across the blonde's face.

With furrowed eyebrows, Draco couldn't help but ask, "What was that for?!"

The girl mumbled a small apology (Though she still did laugh), "You're still alive," she said.

For a moment, the blonde didn't know what to say. He was still alive, but how is this happening? "But how does a living person marry a dead person?" he asked, not even caring if it offended the bride- which it didn't.

Instead, she even gave a slight chuckle, "By making a vow! Which you did- oh how beautiful it was!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"But.. I'm already supposed to marry Astoria," Draco mumbled to himself after awhile of silence, but the corpse bride heard.

"She'll forget you eventually. Besides, there are a lot of living people up there! I'm sure she'll find someone," she said, to which the blonde did not answer. He was looking at afar, and the girl somehow felt bad for this, "Did you love her?"

At that, Draco looked at her, this is the first time he's actually seen her face, and even for someone who isn't alive, she was fairly pretty. With her high cheekbones, and her comforting smile.

He slightly shook his head at the question, "No? I don't know, we're not that close, really," he said, a slight sigh leaving his lips. 

"Well, it's no one's lost then! Besides, now you have me!" the girl said.

Draco looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, "I don't even know you."

The girl audibly gasped at that. She's been so excited by the fact that she's married that she literally forgot to give her husband her name!

With a slight laugh, she finally said, "My name is Y/N."

Draco nodded, relieved to atleast know the girl's name, "Y/N," he whispered to himself, as if reminding himself what her name was.

Y/N gave a slight nod, and remembered suddenly, "Oh, I've got something for you!" she exclaimed, and brought out a box from beside the chair, "I hope I don't disappoint you."

The blonde took the box a bit hesitantly, and shook it- it sounded like there were multiple things inside, "What's this?" he asked, and finally opened the box. Inside were.. tiny bones, "Uh, thanks, I guess?" 

With a laugh, Y/N took a bone, "That's not the best part!" she said, and threw the bone on the floor. For a moment, Draco waited, and thought that nothing would happen.

But as if it wanted to prove him wrong, the other bones from the box followed along, and there and then, he immediately knew who it was, making his lips spread in a huge smile, "Malum!" he exclaimed, immediately getting the kneazle's- or what was left of it- attention.

Malum meowed, and jumped onto Draco's lap, licking his hand that was petting him.

Y/N smiled, "He's quite cute, isn't he?"

Draco nodded. He remembered when he was seven, he had Malum, but for some reason, one day, he just never returned to him again, "You should've seen him with fur," he laughed, "Oh, how I've missed him," he said, more to himself.

"You said his name was Malum?" asked Y/N as the kneazle went over to her lap. She pat its head, making it meow in comfort.

The blonde once again, nodded. He still can't believe that after all these years, he saw his kneazle again, "It's Latin for apple," he said.

Y/N looked up at the boy, "Apple?"

He nodded, "Apple."

The girl just couldn't help but laugh, "I won't bother asking," she said.

Draco laughed at that, "I wouldn't have bothered answering it, anyways," he said, "My father never approved of Malum, he said it's ruining everything in the house- which was true, but Malum never meant to do any of it!"

With a slight chuckle, the girl thought for a moment. Malum was a huge part of Draco's childhood, and she was happy to give him back to the blonde.

How did this happen, you may ask? Easy. This wasn't the first time Draco went into the forest, and everytime he walked deep into the trees, she would look at him from afar as he stared at the butterflies. It's rather a lovely sight.

How the blonde's hair fell on his face as he wrote on a piece of parchment while he sat by a tree, how he smiles to himself when something he remembers makes him smile.

He's beautiful, and Y/N hopes that he knows that.

"Do you think your father would approve of me?"

At the girl's question, Draco chuckled, "You're lucky you won't have to know, cause you won't have to meet-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence. He thought for a moment, and thought that maybe this was his way out, "Actually.."

Y/N waited in anticipation as the blonde stood up, and paced in front of her, "Actually what?"

Draco faced the girl, and smiled, "You should definitely  meet my father!" he exclaimed, "You should meet both of my parents!"

For awhile, the blonde waited for Y/N's answer, which she smiled widely, and stood up, "That's a great idea!" she exclaimed, "Now, where are they buried?"

At that, Draco stopped, "Well, that's the problem.."

Y/N stared at him for a moment, and finally got it, "Oh! That's no problem!" she said, and started walking away, Malum walking right behind her.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, but nevertheless, followed anyways.

Besides, there was no where else to go to.


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