•VIII - Perfect Melody•

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BOTH NARCISSA and Lucius Malfoy rode their carriage, and as they rock inside of it, they talked in hushed voices.

"How are we supposed to find Draco?!" Lucius hissed, "He's always been a disappointment-" the old Malfoy was then cut off by their coachman's coughs, making him groan.

Narcissa ignored the sick coachman, and looked at Lucius in the eyes, "He is not a disappointment, Lucius."

The man shook his head in disbelief. This was their only chance to save the family name, and Draco has blown it! Of course he's mad. 

"We need to find him this instant!" exclaimed the man.

Looking outside, Narcissa let out a tired sigh. She never wanted any of this to happen, but if they don't do this, if they don't tie the knot with the Greengrass', the Malfoy name might die.

They can't afford that.

An owl suddenly perched itself on the window, making the two furrow their eyebrows in confusion. Narcissa untied the letter from the owl's leg, and the owl immediately flew away.

With heavy hands, Narcissa opened the letter, and read it out loud, "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, I'm afraid to inform you that our daughter Astoria Greengrass won't be marrying your son any longer-"

"They what?!" exclaimed Lucius in anger, "This can't be happening!"

Narcissa ignored her husband, and continued reading, "Therefor, she will be marrying our dearest Mr. Warrenton. Someone who's always here for us whenever we need him."

Lucius was red with anger. But instead of putting it all out on his wife, he ran a frustrated hand through his face. Why was this happening? More so, why was it happening to them?

The two went silent in shock. Narcissa put the letter back inside its envelope, and just put it down beside her. She didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, it became quiet, the coughs of Lester disappeared, but something felt wrong. With furrowed eyebrows, Narcissa opened the window and looked out.

Her eyes widen when she didn't see the coachman on the seat up front, but the carriage was still moving, lead by the thestrals.

Lucius furrowed his eyebrows, and looked out aswell, "What- stop the carriage!" he exclaimed in fear, seeing that they were going straight into the woods.

Narcissa, once coming down to earth, immediately pulled out her wand, pointing it at the thestrals. Using a nonverbal spell, she slowed down the thestrals, making Lucius sigh in relief.

Slowly, they went out of the carriage, "Where is Lester..?" asked Narcissa.

But they didn't see the man, as if he just disappeared. Who knows what happened to him? He jumped? Escaped, because he doesn't want to serve the Malfoys no longer?

Or.. died?

* * *

Draco entered the same pub he came from, his shoulders down. He doesn't know how to think- Merlin, he doesn't know how to feel. Was he really supposed to feel upset? Isn't he supposed to feel happy because maybe this was his way out? That if Y/N gets mad at him, she'll just get tired of him, and set him free?

But no, he felt upset, because he made Y/N upset.

Salazar, he hates this.

Seeing the girl by the piano, he looked at the bouquet of flowers in his hands. Where were all his courage? His bravery?

Call him crazy, but at this point, he wished he had some Gryffindor spirit in him.

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