•VII - Gone Mad•

978 61 7

DRACO FOUND Y/N in the same bench she gave Malum to him.

The kneazle was by the girl's foot, trying to cheer her up, but Y/N was just focused on the bouquet in her hand. It was supposed to be for her wedding, but that didn't really age well.

"Roses for eternal love," she said, a tear running down her face. She threw the bouquet on the floor, making Draco feel more bad.

He stood in the shadows, as Y/N talked to the same worm that she talked to in the woods, Hudson.

"He's not worth your tears, honey," said Hudson as she gave the girl a look of sadness.

Y/N looked down, "I can't compete with her, Hudson," she sniffled, "She has everything, including pulse."

Draco gave a small chuckle at that, but he still felt bad. Y/N didn't deserve what he did.

The worm shook his head, "None sense!" it exclaimed, "All she has is a life, you have everything after. And being dead isn't bad, in fact, it means you have nothing to fear, anymore. Cause you've buried it deep down. Besides, everyone dies, so will Draco! No matter what he thinks"

Y/N couldn't help but laugh at that, but it sounded bitter,  "He thinks I'm a monster."

"You are a monster. A beautiful monster, so you should start acting like one!" exclaimed Hudson, followed by a soft meow of Malum.

The girl thought for a moment. She should know her worth, she must not let Draco affect her. After all, they really weren't meant to be.

She's.. dead, and he's not.

Yet, she decided to not think any of it. But, she knows she should not let Draco bring her down, "Burn me with flame, I'll keep smiling just the same!" she exclaimed, standing up, her head high, and her shoulders back.

"Exactly!" Hudson cheered on.

"Cupid shot his arrow at my only living part.." Y/N trailed off, sitting back down with her face full of sadness, "So if you want to hurt me, break my heart.."

Hudson's face fell, "Wait, no, don't get sad again!" he gave a small sigh, "Remember, you're so much better than that girl! You have a good soul, we're not sure if she has any at all!"

Y/N once again, let out a chuckle. She stood up, and took a deep breath, "You're right, Hudson. I just need to keep my head up, I am beautiful."

The worm smiled at the girl. And just like that, Y/N walked off. Draco immediately hid deeper into the shadows.

And when the girl was out of sight, the blonde let out a soft sigh. 

Maybe right now isn't the right time to talk to her.

* * *

Right after both Draco and Y/N left Astoria's room, she immediately ran towards her sister's room, her eyes wide, "Daphne!" she exclaimed.

The older Greengrass sister jumped in surprised, "What, what? What happened, dear sister?" she asked as she stood up and went to her younger sister to sit her down on her bed.

"I- Draco needs our help! He's in trouble!" Astoria exclaimed.

Daphne furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Tell me, what happened?"

Astoria swallowed the lump in her throat as she remembered Y/N, how she can see the corpse's bones, "Draco's married! To a corpse!"

At that, Daphne immediately let out a chuckle, "Astoria, I think you were dreaming," she said.

"No, it's true!" exclaimed Astoria as she held her sister's hands in her own, "Daphne, please believe me," she pleaded.

Daphne stopped for a moment as she stared at her sister. Astoria had tears in her eyes, she looked absolutely helpless, "You've gone mad, dear sister."

Astoria stopped at that. She held Daphne's hand tighter, but the older sister just pulled her hand away, looking at her with pity, "Daphne, please believe me!"

At that, the door to Daphne's room opened, showing their parents, "What is the meaning of this?! What is it with all the noises?!" exclaimed their mother.

"Mother, please! Draco needs out help, she's married to a dead woman! I saw it with my own eyes!" Astoria exclaimed, and went over to her mother, her eyes pleading.

But the old woman was not having any of it, "What are you talking about? You are just hallucinating, Astoria! You're talking none sense!" she exclaimed, and turned to the older Greengrass sister, "Accompany your sister to your room, Daphne. And make sure to lock her in her room! She must fix her mind!"

"What..? What, no, mother, please!" exclaimed Astoria, as she tried to follow after her parents, but Daphne immediately stopped her by grabbing her by the wrist. Astoria turned to look at her sister, "Daphne, please."

Daphne looked away from her sister, and guided her towards her room. Astoria held in a sob, and just followed her sister. She felt weak, and broken.

As soon as the doors to her room closed behind Daphne, Astoria fell on her bed, her tears running down her face. But she had to be strong. If no one believes her, then she has to fix everything on her own, take matters to her own hands.

She wiped away her tears, and looked around. The only way out was her window.

Astoria immediately stood up, and opened her window. Her bed room was on the second floor- not much of a jump, but she won't jump, of course, but her wand got confiscated.

The girl once again looked around, and finally came up with idea of using her blankets. She tied them up, and let them dangle off the window, and just like that, she climbed down, almost getting seen by her parents, but they luckily did not.

She wrapped her robes around her small figure, and walked away from her house, and towards the chapel.

The walk was a bit far, but Astoria didn't mind one bit. The snow was cold on her feet, since she only wore her bed slippers, but once again, she didn't mind. She was doing all of this for Draco, after all.

Finally, she reached the chapel. She knocked on the huge doors, she knocked as hard as she could. And after about five minutes of knocking, the huge doors finally opened up, showing the pastor in his pajamas.

"Miss Greengrass, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" the pastor asked, a small groan coming out of his lips.

Astoria took a deep breath, "I need your help, sir. Is it possible for a living man to marry the dead?"

The pastor looked at her for a moment, "What are you talking about, miss Greengrass? That is not possible!"

"But it is! Draco is married! To a corpse! He has a corpse bride!" Astoria exclaimed, making the pastor stop.

With a sigh, the pastor didn't move, as if thinking. And for a moment, Astoria thought he was going to help her.

But all her hopes went down when the Pastor held her by the wrist, and dragged her back to the Greengrass' manor.

This was all hopeless. All Astoria could do was apologize to Draco in her mind. She didn't want this, she wanted to marry Draco.

But that seemed impossible now.


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