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After the movie, Yunlan turns to Shen Wei with a puzzled look." You cried a lot.", afraid that he will read him further, Shen Wei quickly put up a strong front and smile, "It was such a sad ending, how can I not cry!" but of course, Yunlan didn't probe any further and return to their house where they live together.

That night, Shen wei lay beside Yunlan whose already fast asleep and cuddling up to him. But the next moment, Shen wei didn't saw him on the bed, he walked to the living room,and sees Yunlan sitting on the couch, sipping coffee in the dark and shen Wei call out to him but Yunlan didn't respond.

Shen Wei wonder what's wrong and walk towards him, Yunlan smile at him and passes the coffee cup to shen Wei but he couldn't feel the cup and * crash* it shattered into pieces on the ground.

" Wei?What are you doing?" suddenly he hear a voice travels from behind him and Shen Wei finally realize that there was nothing on the floor, and Yunlan wasn't sitting on the couch.. he recalled.. it was his visual hallucination.. he stare into the blank space, still unable to believe what he just did.

"Sorry, I thought I heard something, let's go back to sleep." Shen wei apologized to Yunlan and goes back to bed with him with a heavy heart. He think that if this carry on, he will start losing the ability to recognize Yunlan and becomes a burden for him to take care of him... His tears flows down, wetting the pillows as he think its better to die than forgetting his love who is everything to him.

 His tears flows down, wetting the pillows as he think its better to die than forgetting his love who is everything to him

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