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Yunlan finally realized something is amiss, Shen wei's odd behavior for the past few days. Crying in the cinema, woke up in the middle of the night, consistent mistakes at work and now a confidential medical report.

He doesn't hesitate to call Lin jing up, while still on the way back home. " Get hold of Shen Wei's medical report for me, and get through Dr Cheng and text me once." Yunlan hangs up after stating what he wanted to be done.

Lin quickly managed to retrieve Shen Wei's medical reports and got a copy for Dr Cheng. Dr Cheng looks through the reports and texted Yunlan immediately.

"Diagonised with Agnosia, also known as brain damage. Developing visual hallucination and loses the ability to recognize faces or objects."
Yunlan was left speechless, praying silently in his heart that Shen Wei is still at home, sleeping in his bed.

Yunlan arrived at the doorstep, with a firm grip on the doorknob, he turns open up the door silently.

Right before his eyes, was shen Wei's baggage near the door, and seeing him on the ground crying his heart out, but Yunlan wasn't making any noise.. but starts to observe shen Wei's actions, seeing him speaking to an empty space and crying on his knees.

Shen Wei broke down in tears without realizing someone came in "What ... Should I do..?"He cry out on the ground... With the intense pain that was piercing through his heart. Leaving Yunlan was the last thing that he want to do, but he couldn't bear to make him worry about his illness, how is Yunlan is going to accept having a critically ill boyfriend like himself?

" Yu.. nlan.... Yunlan...Y..un.. lan" wailing out his name.

Yunlan clenches his fist, he could feel that heaviness that is happening in front of his eyes as he tries to hold back. Seeing him calling out to him in despair ,he couldn't believe this is happening to him, his love, his Wei.

Yunlan's heart is shredding at the thought of seeing his baggage in the doorway. He knows Shen Wei intended to leave him, and that hurts him, even more.

Yunlan stands by the door and finally speaks, his voice thick and rough.

" So you are leaving me?"

" So you are leaving me?"

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