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Later that night, shen Wei woke up up after a long sleep and decided to pour himself a glass of water. While Yunlan was already asleep and didn't want to woke him up over a small task that he could do himself.

In the kitchen, he started weeping silently with fear, when his vision starts to fade into darkness, even when the lights are on. Out of the 5 human senses, his sight have started to fail on him. Shen Wei' s hands starts to tremble tremendously and broke into cold sweat.

The glass of water then slips off from his hands, when he couldn't feel the glass on his hands and its all shattered into pieces on the ground.

Shen wei tried to crouch down to pick up the broken pieces, in tears. He was frightened, scared to wits.

Yunlan was awakened by the sound of glass shattering, and ran down to the kitchen to see him on his knees, picking up the glass pieces in his shivering hands, in tears. Yunlan dashed towards shen wei and stopped him from picking up the pieces, he holds shen Wei's cold hand and wipe his tears away. " Its alright Wei.. Its okay.. I got this, don't worry about it." Yunlan pushes the glass pieces away from shen Wei and carried him to the bedroom in bridal style..

" Ah lan !!.. my eyes.. I can't see!! ...its turning into dark..." Shen Wei's voice is twitching, almost screaming in fear, shen Wei felt like its taking away his life slowly. Yunlan squeezes him into his arms as he try to catches his breathe from crying, Yunlan  knew about the symptoms that Dr Cheng has briefed him earlier on.
" I am here Wei, I am right here. Its only for a while, it will go away after sometime, you gotta breathe, we will be okay" Yunlan reassures him and a bit of calmness took over shen Wei.

After sometime, his vision improved a little. But shen Wei stayed awake through the night, he didn't dare to sleep, afraid he will wake up the next morning losing his sight. Yunlan kept him accompanied and stayed up with him, so shen Wei ended up talking to him, laying down on his lap and Yunlan leans against the bed board.

" Ah lan... What if the surgery fails?"
Shen wei ask timidly, expecting Yunlan will glare at him like normally when he's disturbed at him, but actually the complete opposite happens.

" Its not gonna happen and I am not gonna let it fail, Wei. Because I am here to keep you safe, so don't lose your faith." Yunlan runs his thumbs across his face and wipes away those tears little teardrops in his eyes. Deep down Yunlan is also scared but can't show it to anyone.

Yunlan brushes through his hair gently and assures shen Wei that everything will be alright. From there , shen Wei feels hopeful with his strength. He will battle with this illness with courage and faith, he knows there's so much in life he want to do with Yunlan. Life just started with him, he will not gonna just give up like that.

Shen Wei smile to him, and slowly fall asleep on his lap. Yunlan watches him sleep and some tears drop from his eyes. He already thought that he will spend the rest of his life with shen Wei. He never thought that life will take such a turn. He can't bear  to see shen Wei like this. " I will always be by your side.. So don't give up on me so easily." Yunlan murmurs after that he also fall asleep.

" Yunlan murmurs after that he also fall asleep

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