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"So you are leaving me?"

Yunlan's voice wakes shen Wei up to reality and suddenly the image of Daqing vanished into thin air, it hits him that it was his hallucination, again.

'Shit! Its really Yunlan's voice this time..'
Shen Wei thought in his head as he try to catch his breathe. He knew he  screwed badly. Yunlan's voice is just behind him. ' Has he been watching me all this time? When did he enter the house? Did he already found out about my condition?' All kinds of thoughts and questions run through his mind. Shen Wei didn't have the courage to look at him but just to wipe his tears rapidly without looking back at him.

"Look at me, Wei..You are leaving me aren't you?" Shen wei could hear the anger in his cold voice.

"God damn it, I SAID LOOK AT ME! " Yunlan shouts across the living room and kicks shen Wei's baggage hard against the wall and all his clothes flips out.

Shen Wei turn to look at him in fear, still trying to catch his breathe. Yunlan is controlling his tears in anger. Shen Wei have never seen him this angry before. He looks really scary like this.

" What's this? You plan to leave me just like that without saying anything?" Yunlan ask pointing to his baggage laying on the floor.

"I am sorry..." Shen Wei mumbled almost inaudible with his lips quivering.. but still refusing to tell him the truth..

" You are Sorry? That's all you want to say to me before leaving?" Yunlan said with disappointment in his eyes.

"Let's.. Let's break up.. I am sorry we are just both of different worlds, its really hard to be with you and to catch up with your extravagant life..." Shen Wei initiated the break up with an excuse as he go towards his baggage and start picking up the clothes and pack them back in.

Yunlan doesn't look surprised at all, he expected shen wei would break up with him, he looks at him, a glazed cover covered his eyes and he shows adoration and his voice softens as he begin to speak, " Then don't .." his reply caught shen Wei by surprise, and he stopped packing. Yunlan crouch down beside him and grab his wrist gently..

Yunlan: " Then don't catch up with my life. Let me catch up with yours."

Shen Wei: " ...Yunlan.. I am sorry.. Just let.."

Yunlan: " Just let you go? After all the memories we created together?
Wei, I will do everything in my power  to get you treated and keep you by my side." Yunlan told him by cupping his face with his both palms.

Shen Wei look at him in surprise.' He found out about my illness' he thought and astonished by his words.

" Did u not hear me? I said I will do anything to get you treated, even if it cost me my whole fortune." Yunlan pulls him into his embrace forcefully, even before shen Wei could react.

" ... You knew.." Shen wei mutter and finally the tears that has been gathering, streams down his cheeks.  "Ah lan... I can't .. I don't want to be a burden to you..." Shen Wei  try  to resist his hug, but Yunlan's  strength overpowers him. Yunlan then slowly releases shen wei , and cups his face with both his palms, looking straight into his eyes and said.

" I am sorry, I took so long to find out about the truth, you have been facing this battle alone, but not anymore.. I am here to face this together with you. I will always be by your side, Wei..."


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