The world in 2025.

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  "This is the present world.(2025) . Everything is same from previous 8 years , nothing changement in the experiments , laws , nothing is changed. What has happened to world?? Everyone is just running after love , relationships , no one is thinking about changements in world.  World's just 1% people are searching for new technology and robotic science for a new future just caring about there own life style . But if world run in the same manner . At that time a change is necessary and a legend born " Lucy is studying the book from her library but suddenly her mom came and she suddenly put the book in the desk before her mom see her with the book.Mom comes to call her for food with family . But she is just thinking about 2025's story and her brother , James is just looking at her . James is older than her and understand her completely . Both finish the food and get in the room for sleep. Lucy goes to her bed and exactly James asked her why she is interesting in that foolish book which is a very flop book of that year . She doesn't say anything but something is in her mind . She never share her feelings with other also not with her parents. Because of that habit no one wants to be her friend. But she doesn't care for this and sleep without thinking so much.

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