Fight of the first day and the world's end starting

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Today Lord Angle have just not to fight with a monster but she has to fight with whole world's meat eaters and hunters who kills animals and birds and eat them but never think of this animal/bird emotions,pain etc.

She is finding herself in a big trouble. First she closes her eyes and takes a long deep breath and think for a moment , then pick out her sword , her sword is giving out the light of truth and goodness.

Then she shouts to the monster , Monster looks at her face will of confusion , fear . To see that , the Monster smiles at in a special way and comes near her . He sits near her , (after sitting also , monster is approx. 27 feet higher than Lord Angle's total hight. He is looking very dangerous than the first time when she sees him.)
Monster says , "Wow !! I am sorry , I get afraid from you and your lighting sword , please forgive me , please don't hurt me". He stand and start laughing. He says ,"Little girl ! Don't try to compare you with me , previous time , I have no power , but see now , I am completely fill of powers , So , put your sword on the floor and put your knee on the floor and head down ". Monster again starts laughing.

( All the people are looking this from their home buildings . Every child to old person have a hope from Lord Angle . )

Monster's talks makes Lord Angle too much angry . Her anger has crossed all the boundaries. She said "The fight is started now , let's fight with me ".

She swirls the sword and runs towards the monster with a roar like tiger. Monster listens her talk and the roar , and looks back .

Lord Angle jumped above with her sword pointing in monster's right eye holder in her both hands.

As the monster looks back , Lord Angle entered the sword in the middle of Monster's right eye. Monster shouts with pain and falls down , (Lord Angle jumps on the floor ).

Monster's right eye is completely blond now , his pain is too much makes him to cry . He is shouting very loudly.
(People who are seeing that from their houses , have a smile on their face and confidence towards Lord Angle ).
Lord Angle pick out the sword from Monster's eye.

Monster tried to stood up and fight with Lord Angle , but he has no power in present to stood and fight with her , many times he tried to stand up but fall again . He is feeling very helpless but anger inside him is increasing not decreasing . Lord Angle is standing Mera him . She is very silent and just looking at him . People think they are safe now , so they have to go home . ( All went to their homes ) . That was the afternoon time but Lord Angle is Standing near him now also .

Now , it's the evening time and winter season , so Lord Angle decided to fight with him the next day , according to our Holy books , any war cannot be took after sunset.

She flew from there and go on a hill . She sits there , she is feeling too cold so she brought some sticks from the forest and light them . Setting near fire , she is not happy that today she is capable to fight the Monster , else she is thinking that how she will continue her next day's fight . So , to increase her power , she sits there and start meditation.

On the other hand , Monster is lying on the floor in this cold also , his pain is not decreasing , and he is thinking that in next day fight , he will kill that Lord Angle who makes him blind from one eye. His anger is same but he is disabled now . He is confused about next day's fight as he has lost his powers . He fall asleep there.

It's late night so all people takes a  dinner . All eat the same daily life food (meat of different animals and birds ). After taking meal , all go to take a sweet sleep.

But suddenly the monster (he is sleeping) starts flying in air . After coming to a maximum of 50 feet from earth . Some radiations start coming from different places and start entering his body .

TÎMÈ TRÀVÈLLÎÑG GÎRL  : Fight With Monsters [ Completed ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora