Lucy's message to the world

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Lucy has thought what she has to do ? So , she flies away from there and goes between the people.  She asked to stop everyone please . She asked a question from everyone! She asked Anyone has done meditation in his/her life . Everyone looks at each other and start gossips. She asked again , anyone has done meditation in his/her life. Everyone just says no . She takes a long breathe and asked to meditate today !

Everyone asked her why ? They don't need to meditate. She says that the Monster is an evil and . meditation provides  strength towards evil . And the Monster is too much powerful , if you all do meditation , I will get more powers do end the monster.

Everyone is confused , what they have to do , as they are going for work . Suddenly a 6 years old boy runs from there towards Budha temple and start meditation, seeing this all small children also start meditation. All the elders the feeling shame that their children are doing but they are not . Then, small boy's father and mother also runs towards the temple and start meditation. Everyone looks towards each other and they all also go to the temple for meditation..

Lucy's plan get successful , if everyone do meditation then no one will think about bad of other, means no jealousy will occurs and .. If no jealousy is there , Monster will lost his powers !!

So , she flies towards the Monster for fight again but this time to win and end the Monster.

TÎMÈ TRÀVÈLLÎÑG GÎRL  : Fight With Monsters [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now