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Hello Again,

Presenting Chapter 20 and it is dedicated to @lavanyaadurthi :D



A staple ingredient for apparently half the world's population, rice is very easy to prepare. It's also a good source of energy and can be eaten everyday as it increases the feeling of fullness and improves all-round health.

Besides this, rice is a good source of vitamin B and iron. It is also rich in fibre and that regulates our digestive system, reducing constipation. It is great in reducing obesity as it has low amounts of fat and cholesterol.

Matta rice is the type of rice we have every day and it is most common where I am from. What's the type of rice you consume?


"Sometimes things happen in life that you didn't plan for. All you can do is suck it up and start mapping out a new plan."
― Colleen Hoover, Point of Retreat



"You fool" King Stanislaus hissed when he saw the bruises on Ajax's face. "I told you no one can get past his coastline and yet you went there regardless of my warning."

"I was not raised to be a coward like you" Ajax growled and Stanislaus got off his throne seat with a feral snarl.

"What you label as a coward, I call that calculating" Stanislaus spelt through gritted teeth as he began descending the stairs of the high throne seat. "When you are physically weaker than your enemy, the first thing you do is accept it and then, you plan on bringing them down using your brain" Stanislaus explained, raising his artificial arm and tapping his index finger against his temple. "Your power comes from your mind. If you use it rightly, it can be your greatest strength and your enemy's worst nightmare."

Ajax looked away realizing that the king was right. "My father had calculated every single thing that could have been a threat to me and before I ascended to the throne, he made sure that all those threats were eliminated. He was a great man and he taught me how to rule. For fifty-two years, I have been sitting on that throne and ruling this kingdom. Do you think I have never been challenged before?" Stanislaus demanded standing right in front of Ajax's face.

"Ash is now. There have been several before him and every one of them are buried six feet under the ground" Stanislaus barked. "How do you think I achieved that?"

When Ajax did not reply, the king smirked coldly before saying, "Planning."

Ajax nodded with compressed lips.

"If I acted in haste like you just did, I would have been dead by now and you would not have been standing here" King spread his arms wide and looked around the room. "Things do not always go the way you want them to, but that does not mean you sit down and accept defeat. No" Stanislaus shook his head. "It is time for you to evaluate. It is time for you to let your mind do the work and then you start the game, play it smartly and watch as your enemies get tricked and trapped, and later wither away as if they never existed."

There was a smug look on his face and Ajax knew, Stanislaus was thinking of his greatest triumph.

It had happened twenty-eight years ago when Stanislaus had got his revenge. He had brutally killed Xander Zeke and thus avenged the murder of his parents.

Ajax was disappointed with himself for giving in to his impulse. He had underestimated the number of followers Ash had. The kind of weaponry Ash had. Ash's lawyer had shot down one of his boats with a missile, killing several members of his pack before they could escape. She had even shot down his drones that could have rained fire on them.

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