Chapter 3

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Fleur was sound asleep when she felt something suddenly jump on her bed making her eyes snap open with a shriek. It took a while before she noticed the little bundle of silver lying next to her shaking with laughter.

"Gabrielle, don't ever do that again" She said crossly before pulling her little sister into her arms and tickling her affectionately.

"Happy Birthday!" Gabrielle shouted loudly and kissing Fleur on the cheek making her smile widely.

"Thank you" Fleur replied ruffling Gabrielle's hair. She giggled and wriggled free of her sister's arms and ran outside. Before long she came back holding a picture and handed it to Fleur. Her face broke into a grin; it was a picture of her and Gabrielle sitting under a tree. It was brightly colored and although the picture was hardly a beauty she felt like it was one of the best drawings she had seen in her life. She turned to see Gabrielle watching her nervously and laughed and pulled her into a tight hug murmuring her thanks.

She suddenly realized with a jolt that she could do magic freely, now that she was seventeen. She grabbed her wand from the table next to her and made her window burst open and levitated the books and other objects around the room and much to Gabrielle's amusement conjured brightly colored bubbles. Eventually she got up and went to the washroom to freshen up leaving Gabrielle jumping around trying to pop every single one of the bubbles she could reach. Once she returned she picked up Gabrielle and went downstairs to find her parents waiting for her at the dining table. Both broke into wide smiles when they saw her and pulled her into their embrace.

"Happy Birthday!" Her father and mother sang in unison making her laugh before running to hug them both. They both handed her two wrapped boxes which she tore open eagerly. In one of them was a pair of shoes that had caught her eye while shopping for school supplies a few days ago. She had not mentioned anything about it to her mother who was with her because of the price.

Even though their family was very well off she was modest and didn't like to spend money unnecessarily, something that her parents were extremely proud of her for. Squealing in happiness she hugged her mother tightly and tore open the remaining box which contained the most beautiful dress robes she had ever seen. It was made of a very soft material that felt like water flowing in her arms and it was the exact color of her hair. Beside it was a pair of sapphire ear-rings which was the exact color of her eyes. She grinned happily and hugged her father tightly making him chuckle softly and pat her head gently.

"Sit down dear, we made your favorite today" her mother said before firmly grabbing Gabrielle's hand and pulling her to her lap. It was usually a hard job to get Gabrielle to eat in the morning and today was no less different. Together they tucked in while happily making plans for the day and for when Fleur would be returning to Beauxbatons in three days.

"Well then flower since you are of age now I believe you will be putting your name up for the Triwizard tournament?" Her father asked ignoring the worried look on his wife's face. Ever since she had learned of the tournament she had been fighting tooth and nail with her parents to be allowed to compete. He knew nothing they could say or do would change her mind.

She wanted to prove herself once and for all and stop the notion of her fellow students that she was only the best of her year because of her veela heritage allowing her to have her way with her teachers. Madame Maxime was very supportive in letting Fleur compete as she was easily one of the best students Beauxbatons had seen in years. His wife did what any mother would do and always will. Worry.

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