Chapter 15

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"How dare you walk back in here you worthless…"

"Shut up you old hag." Sirius muttered tiredly, pointing his wand at the portrait of the woman he had long since stopped calling his mother. The covers snapped back into place, covering her face from view and effectively stopping her tirade of insults. Looking over at Lupin he grimaced.

"Charming as always." Lupin said with a hint of amusement.

"Yeah…now you see why I never wanted to get you guys over for summer." He hated being here, the place that was no better than Azkaban in his childhood. Forced to carry his family's pureblood mania until he'd met James and the others and been sorted into Gryffindor, he'd strived to show how different he was from the rest of his family. When he'd run away he thought he would never have to set foot in this place again. Then again, his luck wasn't the greatest.

"They keep getting cleverer." Lupin said mildly as he bent down to pick up what looked like a used dungbomb lying just in front of the door to the kitchen.

"Stupid brats." As if it wasn't bad enough having to be stuck here when he could have been spending the summer with his godson and some Veela friends of Apolline (he has his dreams), he instead had to put up with the Weasley children and the Granger girl. While he didn't mind the twins seeing as their pranks livened up this dreary place and gave that miserable excuse for a house elf no end of trouble, the younger ones were borderline annoying.

Hermione and Ron, the two that he'd met on Harry's third year were two that he felt less than warm towards. He had, with the help of Remus, gotten what happened between Harry and them on the day the other schools arrived in Hogwarts. What those two did was not something he found easy to forgive no matter how trivial it might seem. Friends were not supposed to turn on each other for petty reasons, that only showed just how much of friends they were and what they did affected Harry too much. That and the memory of Pettigrew's betrayal was still fresh on his mind.

Even he could see just how much his godson changed over the span of a few weeks, going from the friendly and somewhat cheerful Gryffindor to someone completely detached from the rest, other than a select few people.

True, Harry never showed that side of him when he was with him and Remus but outside he was a different story. He had after all watched him in his 3rd year to see the change in character. If it weren't for Fleur he didn't know how he would have turned out and he was thankful that she entered Harry's life when she did. With everything Harry had to endure and undoubtedly will in the future, he was going to need her more than anything.

Knocking on the kitchen door thrice they waited. There were no sounds coming from behind the door at all and it seemed like someone had cast an Imperturbable charm on it to prevent anyone from the outside from listening in. Sighing he waved his wand, getting rid of the charm so that the knocks could be heard. The door was soon opened by a witch with bright pink hair and his face stretched into a grin.

"Hey there Nymphadora." She growled and immediately her hair turned red with a faint sizzling sound.

"Sirius, if you call me that one more time I'll make sure you are infertile for the rest of your life." She snarled and he felt Lupin shudder next to him. Come to think of it, he himself was shivering. They walked inside and he carelessly flicked his wand at the door again, recasting the Imperturbable charm.

"I am allowed to tease my favorite cousin aren't I?" He asked lightly, putting some distance between him and her and sitting down on the chair next to Moody who was deep in conversation with Dumbledore leaving an extremely flustered Lupin to take his seat next to Nymphadora (or Tonks as she prefers to be known) whose hair had returned to its usual pink.

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