"Let's talk business."

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I still had my eyes closed. When you are a gangster you have to know what is waiting on the other side before you go. So my first instinct was to understand my environment. It seems like I was still in the library by the feel of the floor and was laid on the floor. No binds. I was in my clothes and I still had my guns. Now the area. It's cold and I can hear breathing. Shallow ones. That means kids, teens? That means no younger than fourteen I guess. Judging by the coldness a window is open close by. One's a female by their light but fast breathes who sounds like they ran a mile.  

"He's up," said the feminine voice maybe fifteen or sixteen somewhere above me.  "If so then he's a good actor," a boy muttered. His voice was cool and confident and void of any emotions. 

So they knew I was awake huh? I guess I can knock them out with a good punch or hit and escape.....

 "So, we're just gonna sit here and wait?" the girl said with a bit of annoyance.

 They sound close by their way of talking. "What do you wanna do? Break dance? Play domino with books?" the boy retorted. Their bickering is getting annoying. 

I don't wanna wait long. I have to get out of here lest they're trouble.

 'Of Course they are. Which teen in their right mind would be hanging around an unconscious body and plan to breakdance?' my brain snapped.

 God I hate it. I just wanna go back to the layer and sleep. 

"Maybe I should hit him," the girl muttered and I heard clanking of boots towards me. "If brawn was the solution Roda, the world's be ruled by rhinos. Stop," the boy said. "The steps stopped after about seven steps. "Hey Lynx, kitten, blondie bloke, brother get up it's morning, not literally but get up anyways," the girl called.
 Brother? I never had a sibling beside Griffin. What in the name of holy- is she talking about?

I opened my eyes and saw a girl maybe sixteen standing with a similar looking boy. They both had dark hair and olive complexion to the point it looks almost like powdered milk.

I sat up as casually as I could and felt that there was a slight pang of pain in my stab wound and it was feeling like it was closing. 
"So glad you could make it brother dear," the girl muttered. "I'm sorry miss but you see I don't know you much kess be your brother," I politely said. 

"Yes and no," the boy interjected. 

"Your point?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't know us but you are our brother, Aslan Callenreece," the boy stepped towards me from the girl's side.

"Okay, it's peachy and all but I need to be elsewhere. So if you'll excuse me..." I tried to go way but the boy's hand was on my bicep. 

"Ash,please. Let's talk. We need to." he insisted.

"Fine what are we talking about?" I sighed and surrendered. 

"Business," the girl stepped towards us. 

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