"We go over the wall"

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"Why can't a little family reunion be without anything going BAM??" Rodalin screeched. By the sound of it she has experience with this kind of stuff. ALthough I'm a bit surprised. Le'strange are an old family line in Triumvirates Holdings. Most probably from the beginning as far as I can recall and they are wayyy old fashioned I've heard. So it's weird that a lady from that household is mingling with mafia business, it's a little odd nevertheless. But now first priority is getting out of here alive. I'm not particularly interested in getting another death experience.

We race to the back of the library and through the door ad towards a closeby parking. There stood a Mercedes-Maybach Exelero. It got unlocked. "Shotgun!" Rodalin yelled and went for the side door and me for the driver's one. Rodrick tossed me the keys and I started driving it out of the parking. 

"Where do we go?" I asked as we drive through the racked and people in the night streets of New York City.  "Left!" Rodrick yelled. I turned it left as the van almost came on top of us. That was way too close! "An alleyway- go-left left!!-To an alleyway," Rodalin called from beside. I swerved left to not hit the businessmen that were waiting for the bus, running from a burning building. Blaring horns and sirens were all around us mixed with the sound of panicked pedestrians and passer-bys. It was so hard to drive through that ruckus that I was losing my mind. "Right! There's one," Rodrick called. I turned the car and drove through the alley barely missing the walls. It was really narrow and a dead end. 

"I, Lady Le'strange call the gates of the estate of the Nobel Strangers," I heard Rodalin hiss as we were about to hit the wall. The break didn't work as were still speeding up. 'Wingardium Leviosa' Rodalin's whisper was barely audible and the car floated to the wall and just as it passed the wall's boundary we were sucked into a black portal. 

It was like a tornado decided t swallow us car ad all. The tug was strong. Nothing could be heard besides the roaring of blood in my ears. All of my senses were haywire and I was feeling like so much shock passed through my veins that they'll combust at any given moment. So in other words, worst experience of my life! 

To top it all we had to crash to a wall in a parking lot like area. It's worse than the worst day of my life, bad luck. The only thing I remember before the air cushion smacked me flat against the seat of the car is the giant 'thud' of the car hitting the wall in full impact after getting spat out by that ominous tornado. 

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