"Sally Jackson"

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I was looking at the ceiling above. It's been few minutes since I had that meeting with y mum. After the place dissolved I found myself staring at the ceiling. It was blank and white. I feel lost. Usually I can carry out a conversation pretty easily but a few moments back... it was like my brain was going haywire. The fact that I'm seeing my mother after eighteen years and she's a goddess took the most time to settle in. I don't plan on getting up. Heck I can't even turn to my sides. The moment I try hot pain shoots through the nerves in my brain and it feels like my brain is being pulled and stretched to accommodate this new found knowledge and in the process leaving my body in pain. Plus the hit in the head from the crash isn't helping. I have a bandage wrapped around my head and am wearing woolen pjs. 

'Let's go over what I know', I muttered. 'First, the pagan gods are real and the the world is a complete kaleidoscope of godie, monstie, godie cramps and weirdies. ot to mention the gangs, mafia, drug, Damn, it's kinky.'I groaned as the pain was shooting again.

'Those scamps mentioned two battles right? Well, I've read about them. One was the battle of the gods or otherwise known as the Titanomachy and the other was maybe..... Gaia, earth mother? Goddess of earth was it? The primordial deity and mother of the titan race. The Giant War! And The Triumvirate holdings is one of the reasons there was so much  chaos. So that's the reason that old fat pig was so much eager to build banana fish.' As I thought i remembered his look when he after he shot Fox and tumbled off the building. I remember it like I just witnessed right now. So much happened in twenty-four hours. And here I am somewhere I don't know. 

"Ash?" A feminine voice called. I turned and the pain shot through my nerves, straight into my brain. But I managed nonetheless. A woman was standing there. She is around her fourties or thirties but she's strikingly beautiful. She has a warm smile. Her bright blue eyes were framed by brown locks with a few strands of grey. But despite that she doesn't look old. 

"Yes? Help you?" I asked. "Oh! Silly me, I'm Sally Jackson, the secretary of the Le'strange Household. I came to check if you're wake," she explained. "Hey ms. Jackson. Thanks for checking. I am awake for a while," I rubbed my head in order to soothe the pain a little. "Poor thing. Here, have some ambrosia," she quickly handed me a similar looking square of whatthehellit'scalled. I put it in my mouth and the taste of Eiji's horrible cooking filled me up with comfort and warmth. The pain soothed and I felt a lot better. "What is this?" I asked absentmindedly. "It's ambrosia, food of the gods," she explained. Okay, now I'm confused. "Okay, granted. But why does the food of the gods taste like my-friend's," I flinch t the word. Is Eiji my friend? lover? brother? Acquaintance? I'll figure that out later. "horrible cooking. Did they hire him as their cook or something?" She laughed which sounded like music. She reminded me of Jennifer. Same hair and kind eyes with that loving smile and gentle laugh. "No, no no. They didn't. But the Ambrosia tastes like your favorite food or the thing that you have fond memories of or anything comforting. Demigods or half-bloods can take it in a little amount, it heals them but any more and you'll combust and mortals can't take it. Same case with nectar. It's a godly drink.," she explained again. "Enough chatting. I must be invading your privacy. I just came here to check on you, if you are able to go to dinner with the lestranges or not. If your not feeling good then I'll bring your food here. And please dear, call me Sally," "Will the head of the family be here?" I asked. "Yes, he will.' She told me. "Okay, I'll be coming," I told her. 

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