Mummy asks a favor

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I don't remember losing consciousness. I guess my pathetic head couldn't handle the pain and went for a shut down. At some point I may have slipped into a sleep. Then the dream, or 'visions' that Rodalin later referred to, began. I was in some kind of library. It was really large, maybe the size of a football field and full of wooden shelves. The weird thing is that the library has all flor to roof glass window overlooking the area around. Wind was blowing through the open widows tin the doomed ceilinged room. The ceiling was made of colored glasses that gave sunlight and showered the room in multiple colours from red, yellow, green to lilac, black, and clear. It was really beautiful. Books adorned the shelves and long tables ran across the room along with a few sectional couches and round tables here and there. By the looks of it, the library is three stories high and I'm at the third floor atrium. The atrium had steel railings. The wind was cool in this summer and it smelt of paper and woods. I liked the smell. 

"Aslan," a voice called. The moment I heard the voice I wanted to jump but I kept my demanuer and stayed how I was. I have to know what I'm dealing with. The voice was cool and silky yet ageless. It was like is was mixed with the wind along with the scents. I can't sense anything or anyone around. I'm standing three stories above ground level. I didn't need to turn back to see that the catwalks were covered with bookshelves and more sitting spaces. It was also dotted with alcoves. I caught a whiff of olive oil and metal polish from beside me. 

"Aslan, greetings, son." A feminine voice said from beside me who is the owner of said smell. I looked at her, she had golden blonde hair like the sunlight, similar to mine and athlete-like build. She was wearing a business suit for women and had a..... a spear? I don't think that you take spears to business meetings. Those are too big even if you went there to assassin people in the first place. Those would be confisticated in the front desk. Still it was like the spear was part of the attire, it blended completely. Her hands were around a war helmet. I know that design, it's Greek. Used by female warriors in Greece back in the days. I saw one in Dino's shelves of antics. 

'Son', why did she call me that? Is she-no-she's my mom? A businesswoman ready to go to war  with the statistics and annoying dealers? Then again I went around with two sixteen year olds calling themselves my half siblings and telling me they are from a big group of mafias that control the world and telling me I'm a son of a Greek virgin goddess. 

"I think you are too much confused to say anything," the woman said. She was now facing me. Her eyes stormy grey like those kids with the calculating look like she was planning on how to use the spear on me. Her face was beautiful like those statues in a ageless way. Scary and  beautiful. Her blonde hair was blowing in the wind around her making it look like a cloud of sunshine. 

"Mother?" I at last managed to say. She gave me a smile.  It was beautiful. "Aslan," she called my name. "You have grown to be such a fine young man. Strong and bold," she smiled. I always dreamt of how my mother looked like. She left me when I was born. Here she is, after eighteen years of hell she decided to pay me a visit when probably I'm dying in the world. I don't even know how to react. Should I hug her and sob in her shoulder? Should I scream and yell at her for being absent for so long? I don't think I know what I should do at this point. It's nothing like killing or leading thugs. 

So I stood there awkwardly.Her smile was calming but her eyes conveyed different message. They had a look of urgency in them. Pain and frustration. 

'SO much and so little time but you have to know somethings. You have a big role to play in the upcoming battle. No mortals or immortals are safe now. And the situation is far more horrible than what they can imagine. The enemy troop hold ground beyond our power," she said. It really doesn't make sense. She again continued, "But we are at a big disadvantage as I'm suspended from the Olympian Council.' "Olympian Council? Do you mean the council of the Olympian Pantheon deities? Like the one that are the main gods of Greece?" I asked. "Yes my dear. They suspended me for false treachery. They think I'm planning on overthrowing father,"she explained. Does it makes sense to you? It doesn't to me. I mean, they think mum's trying to overthrow-Zeus, right- the king of the gods. But isn't she the favourite child of Zeus? Then why? 

Dammit! It's so absurd. Mom wasn't smiling anymore her expression was calculating. Her eyes looked more dangerous. Like sharp edge of a blade, ready to be stabbed. 

"Aslan, you have to play a really important role. If you don't it'll end in bloodshed. And to do that you should not accept the cursed weapon like others. Rather, she paused and strapped the spear and handed  it to me. It was light but strong. Mae from a material I don't know but it radiates power. "Pallas, you'll serve dawnbreak till the end," mom muttered to the weapon and turned to me. "And Aslan, you'll know when the time comes for you to lead. You'll face competition but you have to show them you're the one to lead. Until then just follow through with their plan and," she took a deep breath and smiled again, "Aslan, the reason I left you is because us gods can never interfere with the mortals but just know, you have earned my respect." 

At this point everything was dissolving and I only heard the words, "Past is in tomorrow, be the new dawn for a better future."

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