Dinner with the dead on the wall

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It was soft at first. Clearly not meant for hurting, but enough to make me uncomfortable. The rough branch of the tree that serves as the podium has wrapped softly around my left ankle. It's hard to see as the shade obscures the incident from vision. The grip became a bit more strong, but still not enough to hold me in place. Another is wrapping itself at my left bicep too, curling smoothly and slowly. Over at the table the boy had put the book on the table and leaned over it to read, but he isn't. He's observing the whole thing from the corner of his eyes and orchestrating it. His index finger is making slow circles on the table surface, directing how the branches should wrap. An amusing smirk on his lips like he's smiling at a nice joke someone said.    


The silver blade impaled itself on the table where the boy sat, a few inches from his finger. His hand stopped and the smirk grew a bit like the jokes  turned more funny. His eyes  had a different glint than before, sort of like the dagger barely missing his hand is a funny prank that is playing out nicely. 

"Young lord Malfoy," Rod said in his always apathetic tone. 

"It would be good not to use the podium to chain our guest."

 But I didn't miss the smirk he threw at the boy. It was a nicely orchestrated smirk that at first glance may look disdainful due to the fact that it's reserved and the glint in his eyes are dulled by his apathetic mask.

"Apologies for my-ah-the inconvenience. I was just getting acquainted with today's diner guest," he replied.

 "You can get acquainted with our guest by not chaining them to their seat to mr. Malfoy," he snapped.

 "Whatever you say young lord," the boy replied. 

The grip still didn't loosen much less let go. Clearly that corns for hair doesn't pan to leave the fun at that. Rod cleared his throat and the grip released me. Another rustling and the branches retreated me. Well besides that incident I don't find anything noteworthy. Most of the talk passed around the table was about dresses, things, trends; a few younger kids chatted about school. A few kept to themselves. Others were all engaged in conversations around the table. No one paid me any direct attention but the glances I got weren't exactly friendly in my opinion. They ranged from checking outs to judging glances but the jealous glances and bitter glares were thrown at the Le'strange twins. 


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He has pale skin like paper with clashing black hair and dark eyes. He had a small raven pin on his tie barely the size of a marble and the Le'strange crest on his vest pocket. A red glove clad  his right hand. Beside him sat a man with blinding white hair and icy eyes in a beige suit. 


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