"Life can never give me a break"

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"So, the pagan gods are alive and I'm the son of a virgin goddess. Did you guys escape from a mental asylum or something?" I asked in disbelief. 

What would you do if some random teens wake up to you and say the pagan gods are real and your mom's a goddess. To top it all do they even understand the meaning of virgin? 

"Listen it sounds nuts because it is but  you have to hear the whole story. The ancient gods are around as long as people remember them. Your belief can cause serious things so they are still around and they've been mendling with mortals. A few years back the titan Kronos attacked on Olympus and a son of Poseidon, the sea god, saved it. Next year the earth mother Gaia decided to pay us a visit and claim what is hers. The demigods or half bloods-whatever you wanna call 'em saved the world again. Last year the Triumvirate holdings decided to act as the heroes were in a devastated state after two consecutive wars and one of the major Olympians were thrown into the mortal world, stripped of his power. But they were unsuccessful-" Rodalin, the girl that saved me said.

"Triumvirates? You don't mean the organization, do you?" I interrupted. 

"Yes she means the organization that controls or rather controlled the north America and many other larger organizations in the world. But it is under Etranger now," the boy whose name is Rodrick explained. 

"Really? And how do you know that?" I have my suspicions about these kids. Of course I know the Triumvirate holdings. They control all the organizations and Dino was their puppet with a lot of fortune. And Etranger is the biggest inc. to have power in the world.They never bother being in the spotlight though so it's hard to pinpoint them.

"Because-well, I'm the daughter of the head of Etranger. Rodalin Amelin Lestrange, and he's my twin Rodrick Lestrange," the girl replied. "Look kids it's all nice and all but I don't have a single wish to go in to another gang or mafia for the next of three eternities. So you can continue on your way," I started getting up. No way in hell I'm going to join another mafia if it costs me my life.

The boy grabbed my wrist. For a sixteen year old he has a strong grip. "What the-" I was cut off by him giving me a square of some-fruit? Chocolate? "Here, the wound in your stomach is not totally healed, eat it," he said. 

"How can I be sure it's not a drug or poison?" I quirked an eyebrow.  "I'm not trying to poison you if I can kill you with a simple sentence. So take i. Besides it's Ambrosia, food of the gods. It heals demi gods if they take a bit, but more, and they start to feel feverish and if taken to an extent then they'll combust," he explained. 

I took it and sat back down on the chair. Well, if I'm going to die then so be it. I took the square of Ambrosia, it was soft, pure rusty orange with a bit of coppery undertone. I thought it would taste like the icecream flavour but when I took it in my mouth I was filled with the taste of Eiji's cooked natto. Horrible to say the least but filled with love and care. I remembered the letter lying a few seats bak from where we're sitting. I still remember the letters as they float around me.

Dear Ash

Ash —
I'm worried to death because I haven't been able to see you doing well.

You said we live in different worlds. But is that true?
We have different colored skin and eyes. We were born in different countries.
But we're friends. Isn't that what counts?

I'm really glad I came to America. I met lots of people.
And more than anything, I met you.

You asked me over and over if you scared me. But I never feared you, not once.
What's more is you're hurt much more than me. I couldn't help feeling that way.
Funny, huh?

You're way smarter, bigger, and stronger than me. But I always felt like I had to protect you. I wonder what it is I wanted to protect you from.
I wanted to protect you from fate.
The fate that tries to carry you away, drifting further and further.

You told me once about a leopard you read in a book. How you believed that leopard knew that it couldn't go back.
And I said you weren't a leopard, that you could change your destiny.

You're not alone. I'm by your side.
My soul is always with you.

— Eiji Okumura

"Eiji," I muttered. I felt a hand on my bicep and jerked my head up only to see Rodalin standing in front of me with hurt in her eyes. She slowly pulled me in a hug and I didn't even bother to fight. Pathetic huh? I am pathetic. Like the leopard that was bound to stay there. To die there pathetically. I sobbed on her shoulder as she brushed her fingers in my hair soothingly. It reminded me of Griff, he used to pull be in to a hug and let me cry when I was young and came back home scraping my knee or fighting with other children back in Cape Cod. 

 I felt another pair of arms and I know who they belong to, Rodrick. We were like that for maybe an eternity and I wouldn't even bother to give a drowning damn about it. But we pulled away. 

"Listen Ash. Wither yo believe it or not you are my brother, even if you  don't think the same. I'll follow you around all of New York- heck even the world like a puppy dog if I have to. YOu're not alone. I'm by your side," Rodalin said. 

"You're not alone. I'm by your side."  those words, they were the same as Eiji's. I'm losing my mind I guess 'cause the next thing I said only makes it more obvious.

"Okay, I'm going with you to Etranger-" I said calmly. "Yo-" Rodalin was cut off by me finishing. "Conditions. For three days. And if the matter doesn't amuses me then we're closing the dea-" Iwas cut of by a near explosion outside.........

##I know this story is.....not what you get in a typical 'Banana Fish' fanfic, then again, I'm never typical. Try investing some time in the story if you feel like reading. That's all I have to say. 'day to you all.

                                                                                    _Sincerely Roze

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