Chapter 3 - Unexpected invitation

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/Two weeks later/

Grindelwald was never the man of emotions. He never had time for it, because ever since he was a teenager, his mind was always around planning this movement, what he now his is about to do, and how strange it is that certain emotions are breaking into him just then. Emotions that had never been present in his life before, and he was very well without them. But something happened in the arena when he first saw Aurora because he couldn't think of anything else from there. He felt embarrassed near her, his palms were sweating, and his heart was beating so violently, that he was almost afraid she might hear it. He also really loved working with her, she was so smart, and beautiful. Her long dark-brown hair, which she almost always wore let loose, often fell into her face as she crouched toward the paper while explaining something to Grindelwald on the desk, and when she swept in back with her hands, his breath immediately caught, looking into her turquoise blue eyes. He was terribly disturbed that someone had such an impact on him as no one ever had. After all, he was Gellert Grindelwald. Even so, he was just a slightly more loving from that was very unusual for him. He knew he had to do something but he was afraid that Aurora would not reciprocate his emotions and would find him intrusive. She was always kind to him, smiling (which made him melt inside) and would have done everything from him. Either way, when he had been thinking this in his room for hours, he decided to write a letter and invite her over tonight...

Aurora was doing the same as Grindelwald. Thinking of them. She had never seen more beautiful man in her whole life, and she was seriously in love with him. She just couldn't imagine if this could ever work out, cause he was the biggest dark wizard ever. She could always find the right ones to fall in love with, huh? Her daydreaming was interrupted when Grindelwald's owl knocked on the window loudly with his beak. Aurora stood up, opened it, and took the envelope.

First she was very surprised that someone wrote to her, all the more so that Grindelwald himself. She was looking at the envelope curiously, then opened it. Her eyes roamed over the paper and she already felt a knot in her stomach. He invited her?!

"What?" Aurora asked on a hoarse voice after reading the letter.
"What what? What are you reading?" Asked Queenie Goldstein, her new best friend who just walked in with two mugs of hot tea. They became friends fast, 'cause Queenie always encouraged, and understood her.
She just handed her the letter, still speechless.
"Aww, it's so nice, of course you will go!" She smiled happily.
"What? But, I'm so nervous he never just invited me to himself ever!"
"Sure something important. Or all that matters is that you be there." She winked. "But don't worry, we're gonna find some nice dress for you. Now, come on because the tea is cooling." She said, and they sat down next to each other on the bed.
"Uhm, as long as you've been there, do you know if Grindelwald had any relationship with someone?" Aurora asked cautiously.
"No, and we also never seen him being so kind and attached to anyone before." Queenie explained.
"What? Is he?"
"It would be hard not to see. Why are you so curious?"
"Uhmm, I'm not, I mean, I just asked."
"You don't have to cover, I already know you're falling for him." She said, like it was an open secret.
"I'm- Fine, whatever, even if I am, he would surely not love me back."
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Have you noticed how he looks at you?"
"No?" She asked incomprehensibly.
"Well, watch it tonight." Queenie grinned, and sipped from her tea.

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