Chapter 1.

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Izuku was your average 300 IQ 7 year old. He never knew what he wanted in life. All he knew was that he was either gonna change the world... or set it on fire.

He loved technology but was always concerned about how easily you could hack it. One simple code and a system could shut down. One simple code... and wars could be started. So he decided to dedicate his life to hacking because of how powerful it was. He took the online persona: Sombra and started to expose criminals everywhere, strengthen defence systems of high companies, help police find criminals, and bankrupt criminal organizations and send their funds to charity. Just from Sombra's actions 100 gangs were brought to justice. 100 killers were found and sent to Tartarus. And of course over 100 million dollars were sent to charities all over the world. Izuku did this all by the age of 10, and without his quirk. And by 13 he was still doing good on a worldwide scale. But he wasn't some stay at home fat loser. He was an active kid who took martial arts classes and free running classes. He was a pro at free running at 13 and even got several invitations to events for his natural intelligence and skill.

Izuku was doing his usual antics. Inventing a bit, tinkering a bit, studying a bit, and hacking a couple of city cams to help police find crimes and occasionally taking trips around Japan with his mom to test a new invention. Inko agreed to take him on trips often if he kept using Sombra for good.

Izuku was toying with a criminal gang while alerting heroes where they were and how many people there were, when he got a message that intrigued him.

Hello Sombra. I am Nezu, principle of UA. I can tell you have a lot of skill with computers. And I know a lot about you. Your name is Izuku Midorya, IQ of 432 at 13 years old, and with your skill you single handedly rose 100 million dollars for charities from criminal organizations. This is a warning. There are people after you. I am the only one who knows who you truly are, and can offer you protection at UA. You are very talented, and I've heard your quirk is like nothing else on the planet. Let me help you.

Izuku was impressed anyone found out anything about him, but wasn't impressed it took Nezu so long.

Izuku responded.

And what's in it for me?

How about not being arrested for hacking the planet?

Fair enough. You know where I am. Let's have a nice chat over some tea.

I'd love that. I'll see you soon.

Izuku:"Mom! We're gonna have visitors!"

No response.


A loud bang is heard.
Izuku knows what this is and immediately preps his room and stuff to leave while in tears but he shrugs it off. No tears. Not anymore.

Izuku preps his new invention to take him to the gates of UA. A translocator as he calls it. He holds all his stuff with him as he waves goodbye to the thugs entering his room.


He gets sent away in a purple flash, sending him flying into bushes outside the gates of UA.
He takes a moment to reflect. He takes a moment to lament, and mourn. 

Izuku:"descansa en paz." (Rest in peace)

He buzzes the buzzer with all his stuff in hand.

Izuku:"I'm here to see Nezu. Izuku Midorya."
The gate opens and the force field drops.

Izuku walks down the halls with students giving him curious looks, but he doesn't care. After all, being Sombra gave him a lot of negativity, since he was technically breaking the law. But all the positives made up for it. After all, he saved thousands of people, and was known as a hero to many.

Izuku was heading down a hall when...

???:"Please stop... please..."
Girl#1:"No chance bitch! You looked at my man, and now you suffer the consequences!"

Three girls in the first year are harassing a brunette Izuku's age. Normally, Izuku would ignore this kind of action, but these are heroes in training! This is horrible!
Izuku gets pissed. He was already having a bad day. His mom was dead, he had been caught as Sombra, and now heroes in training are acting like villains.


Everyone turns to see him.

Girl#1:"Ugh What is it shorty!"
Girl#2:"Yeah can't you see we're busy?"
Izuku:"Get away from her now. Or else."

The first years start laughing.

Girl#3:"Or else what?"

Izuku for the first time in forever activates his quirk. His left hand sprouts purple nails and purple veins pop out across his back.

Izuku:"Or else this."

He snaps his fingers and the lights around them turn off.

Girl#1:"So you can do a fancy light trick, what's that-"

She suddenly stops talking.
The other two girls start to whimper.

Izuku:"So that's it then? You found someone stronger than you, so you start cowering in fear?"

The two girls look around trying to spot Izuku.

Girl#2:"We're not afraid of-"

She gets cut off as they hear a thump.

Girl#3:"What are you... What are you?!"
Izuku:"I am Sombra."

She falls to the ground as a snap is heard turning back on the lights.

The brunette looks up to see the boy reaching his hand out.

Izuku:"You all right?."

The brunette looks at him with stars in her eyes.

???:"Are... are you really Sombra?"
Izuku:"Er... well I guess I'm enrolling next year under that name so... yes. I am the real Sombra."

Izuku was expecting a lot. Bad words. Threats. Commissions. But instead he got:

???:"I need to thank you! My dads construction company was under a really bad crime boss, and he got arrested thanks to you! Wait... you're my age, how old were you when Sombra first appeared?"
Izuku:"Sorry. I really need to go. I'll text you later ok?"
???:"But you don't-"
Izuku:"Ochako Uraraka. Phone number XXX-XXX-XXX."
He says this in a sing song voice before leaving to find Nezu's office.

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