Chapter 2.

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Izuku walks into the UA faculty lounge.

Izuku:"Hello? I'm here to see Nezu!"

A tired man with a coffee mug looks at Izuku.

Izuku:"Shota Aizawa I presume? Could you direct me towards Nezu?"
Aizawa:"Ugh... I deal with enough problem children. He's over in his office."
Izuku:"Thank you sir."

Izuku heads to Nezu's office and opens the door.

Izuku:"Hello Nezu."
Nezu:"Why are you here? I thought we were meeting at your house?"
Izuku:"My house was invaded. My mother was killed. And I escaped."
Nezu:"Oh... I'm... I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have a place to go?"
Izuku:"No. I was wondering if you could get me a place."
Aizawa:"I can take care of him."
Nezu:"Are you sure? You do know who he is correct?"
Aizawa:"Nope. But he seems like a good kid. And from his interaction earlier, I can tell he's pretty strong."
Izuku:"Sir. I am the online persona known as Sombra. Its perfectly fine if you don't want to take me in knowing who I am."
Aizawa:"Lighten up. You're here for Nezu. Meet me outside after school. I'll take you home with me."
Izuku:"Thank you."

Aizawa leaves to go teach his class.

Nezu:"So. Sombra. It's nice to put a face to the name. And so young! Tell me, what is your quirk?"
Izuku:"my quirk had nothing to do with my success as Sombra. It was my intellect that made Sombra. My quirk was only helping. It's called planet hack. All forms of tech bend to my will and I can even hack people turning off their quirks and I can even control them as puppets if I want. I also have a little piece of support gear in my eye. It gives me a HUD that works with my quirk to let me see anything about a target. I usually keep it off, but if I do have it on randomly, I keep it to basic info."
Nezu:"Quite impressive! And your support gear is facinating. But can you guess why I wanted to chat?"
Izuku:"Normally Id say that you wanted to hand me in. But today... I think you want me in UA."
Nezu:"Well in a year yes. Normally students have to take an exam to prove their worth and actions. Even recommended students. But you've proven that you are powerful not only from today, but as Sombra too. Please let us nurture you to be a true hero."
Izuku:"Fine. But I reserve the right to keep up as Sombra under UA's protection. I've got a schedule to keep."
Nezu:"A schedule?"
Izuku:"Want to check it out? I've got a good schedule on some organizations that still need to make a donation."
Nezu:"Id love nothing more! You have to show me your process! Oh and don't worry. Sombra is now under UA's jurisdiction. So feel free to do as you please. However. Do not go too far."

Izuku pulls out his laptop and shows Nezu a page of collective organizations funds and the organization most in need of funds. They talk for the rest of the day, and with Nezu's help, Izuku was able to upgrade a couple of systems and get more live feeds to watch and get a detection software on.

The day ends after a whole day of chatting and crime solving. Nezu was ecstatic that someone as smart as him was finally around, now he could make flawless battle plans, and with his hacking skill Izuku could be a valuable asset to UA.

Izuku meets up with Aizawa at the back parking lot.

Aizawa:"You're late."
Izuku:"Sorry. Me and Nezu got a little too into a big project, and my translocator wasn't working."
Izuku:"Translocator. It's like a teleport beacon I've placed all around japan. My... my mom use to take me on trips, and I'd place them around. I can access them anywhere and create gateways to them."
Aizawa:"Damn kid. That's some pretty good tech."
Izuku:"If you want I can put one in front of your house and we can get there easier next time."
Aizawa:"It's our house now kid. You're my responsibility now. And I expect high things from you. We're going to train everyday, and I want you to keep inventing useful tech. We'll build a lab for you, on one condition. You will never sell your inventions. They are for heroes. If someone got something akin to your power, it could end badly. And... do you have a translocator on a rooftop."

Izuku nods and creates a gateway with a device he calls the keymaster, that can access any translocator directly. All it requires is Izuku to hone in on a frequency with his quirk.
It takes them to a roof top with a bunch of close roofs and some steep drops.

Aizawa:"So... why? Why do you have one of these up here?"
Izuku:"I've always loved free running. So I came here everyday to practice. I always keep a translocator on me just in case I fall. Though I never fall anymore."
Aizawa:"Oh yeah? Prove it. Make it to that roof with just the free running skills. No tech. No hacks. Just run."

Izuku bolts off vaulting off of rooftops and rolling into falls, hanging on to ledges and jumping from ledge to ledge, until he reaches the roof Aizawa was pointing at, then translocating back to Aizawa.

Izuku:"How'd I do?"
Aizawa:"Not bad kid. Know my address?"
Izuku:"Give me a minute."

Izuku activates his quirk and enhances the power of his HUD. He looks at Aizawa with one red eye.

Izuku:"Got it. Closest one is 2.3KM away. Looks like we're gonna need a jog."
Aizawa:"Perfect. I need to test your endurance anyways. And we get back we can order whatever you want for dinner. Oh yeah should mention that Present Mic lives with me. And before you ask, no we are not in a relationship."

Izuku squeals, and Aizawa looks at him with confusion.

Izuku:"Sorry! I've seen you two in action and you're both so cool together!"
Aizawa:"Sure... Wait I've never seen you in the field."
Izuku:"Sombra has eyes everywhere. I've hacked every camera in the city. I know everything that happens at all times. Well... not anymore... I need to build my camera setup when we get back."

Izuku opens the gate to the translocator, and they walk through to get home.

As they walk the door of Aizawa's house, a voice speaks up.

Mic:"Sho? That you?"
Aizawa:"Yes and I've brought a child."
Izuku:"Hello Mic. I am Izuku Midorya, better known as Sombra."
Mic:"Sombra? You're Sombra? Prove it."

Izuku activates his quirk and snaps his fingers do the lights turn off. Mic's phone buzzes and when he picks it up it says:

Believe me now?

The next year was filled with training, good times and a lot of pranks with Izuku's quirk.

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