Chapter 11

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Izuku scans everything in the room causing him a mild headache, but it needed to be done.


Izuku launches into the air causing a huge purple blast of energy that makes every villain to fall to their knees.

Villain:"I can't move!"
Villain:"I can't use my quirk!"

Momo:"We need a plan of attack!"
Izuku:"I have a plan of attack! ATTACK!"
Bakugo:"That's a fantastic plan!"

They rush the enemies taking them out effortlessly, since they were all immobilized and weakened by the EMP.

Shigaraki:"NOMU! KILL SOMBRA!"

Izuku launches several pillars of stone at the creature known as Nomu, only for no effect to happen.

Izuku:"Shock absorption, super strength and speed, and regeneration. Well cells cant regenerate from being incinerated can they?

The wind howls as a tornado of purple strings wrap around Izuku lifting him upwards on top of the dragon. The tornado clears to reveal Gabe in all his unholy glory. He roars shaking the entire USJ.

Izuku:"Gabe! INCINERATE!"

The dragon stands on his hind legs and breathes a spiral blast of flames destroying the Nomu. It's screams echo throughout the USJ.

Izuku:"Good boy!"

He scratches the dragons head. It purrs.

Izuku:"How's that feel handyman?"

Izuku stands tall on Gabe and smiles.

Handyman:"That's Fine. I have an associate who wants to meet with you actually. How familiar are you with Doomfist?"

Izuku's eyes widen.

Izuku:"N-No... it's not possible... he's dead!"
Handyman:"HAHAHAHAH! Well yes and no! He did die, but my master brought him back to life. He wishes to meet with the one who takes up the mantle of Sombra."
Izuku:"F-Fine... But can I get a guarantee I won't die?"
Handyman:"Of course! We still need you alive now that I know you can beat the Nomu."

Izuku walks up to Uraraka and hands her a device.

Izuku:"Listen to me little Luma. After Five minutes press this button. Ok? I trust you.
Gabe! Protect the others if they decide to make a move! Bye little Luma."

He pecks her on the cheek and leaves through the portal.

Uraraka stands there blushing, getting glares from the other girls.

Izuku arrived in a lounge with a buff man missing an arm sits on a couch.

Izuku:"So it's true Akande. You're still alive."
Akande:"Hello there Sombra. Or should I call you Izuku? Did you enjoy our little project?"
Izuku:"You mean the Nomu."
Akande:"Of course. It was an ambitious project. After all. It took a little while for it to stand up to me."
Izuku:"Give me one good reason I shouldn't finish what my grandma started."
Akande:"Well. You can't. I've endured much worse than whatever you can do."
Izuku:"Wanna bet?"
Akande:"Yes actually. I'm going to make several attacks with the LOV all across your years. I want you to get stronger. I like a good challenge."
Izuku:"The only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know you're just a broken old man. Consider this a declaration of war. I won't lose. I know what you're capable of and I'm not afraid of you."
Akande:"Well. You haven't looked to your side then."
Izuku:"To my-"

Izuku jumps forward to avoid another Nomu that tries to kill him. He jumps straight into Akande's fist which launches him through a wall.

Akande:"Who's broken now?"
Izuku:"Still you."

Izuku reveals himself to not have a scratch on him.
Akande looks at his hand which is bleeding.

Izuku:"Sorry Akande. I loved our little chat, but I need to leave. Bye!"

A purple beam takes Izuku into Uraraka's arms.

Uraraka:"W-What? I-Izu?!"
Izuku:"Well well Well. You're very strong my little Luma."

She blushes and drops him only for Gabe to catch him with his tail.

Izuku:"Thanks bud."

Gabe growls at Uraraka for dropping Izuku.

Izuku:"Easy boy. She's a friend."

Gabe scoffs then picks up Uraraka with his tail so she's next to Izuku.

Izuku:"Hey handy man! Your leaders gonna be pissed. And I recommend you leave before Gabe turns you into roast hand."

Shigaraki scoffs. Then leaves through another portal. Then the heroes arrive with All might.
They arrest all the villains, as Izuku explains that there's now a serious threat. Akande is a master of planning and action, and according to his grandma he was the leader of Talon.

All might:"This is a serious threat. We need everyone we can have."
Izuku:"I might know some people!"



???:"Pick up the phone!"
???:"Yeah! Maybe it's from Izuku!"
???:"Little Rat? I can't wait to hear from him again!"
???:"Sombra's child! I wonder if he wants to visit my lab sometime! We loved to watch the stars!"
???:"I wonder if he wants to study me again? My system could use an update."
???:"I could also use an update to my healing rounds."
???:"I do not an update from Sombra's brat. My science is flawless."
???:"Bob could use an update too..."

Izuku:"I need all of your help! Akande is back...

And I need overwatch."

Season 1 has come to an end! I'll be focusing on two other stories of mine until December. During December I'll rotate between stories. Go check em out! Stay safe, and stay positive!
Oh and happy Halloween!

MHA X overwatch: The hacker hero.  [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora