Christmas special

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Izuku:"We gotta get this done fast!"
Tracer:"Duh! If we don't Christmas is gonna be ruined!"
Reinhardt:"This will not happen! Christmas must be saved!"
Genji:"Akande's going after Christmas?"
Mercy:"Well it is a time of cheer and togetherness. If he were to return on Christmas, mass chaos would spread."

Gunshots are heard as Reinhardt pulls up his shield.

Izuku tosses a translocator from behind the shield. The guards wince, but it doesn't explode. They both cheer, until Izuku guns them down.

Baptiste:"Funny, your grandmother did the same one time."
Izuku:"Wasn't that her debut at Talon?"
Genji:"Not the time."

Genji rushes down a hall eliminating several guards as Izuku hacks into the security system to find the target.

Izuku:"Down this hall then to the right!"

Baptiste heals them all up as they reach a door.
When they bust into the room they see a man. A man known as Akande.

Akande:"Ah! If it isn't the little hacker. Come to save Christmas?"
Izuku:"Where's the bomb?! Tell me before Gabe burns this place to the ground!"

A large roar is heard as the ceiling is torn off revealing Gabe growling at Akande with firey smoke coming out of his mouth.

Akande:"Gabe? You named him after reaper?"
Izuku:"Shut up and tell where the bomb is!"
Akande:"Who said there was just one? I'll give you the locations. But you don't have the time to bring me in. So make your choice. Millions of lives... or me."

Izuku ponders over it.

Izuku:"Locations. Now!"
Akande:"They're much close to you then you think. Extremely close to you... and to make it even clearer... they're all in japan."

Izuku punches him in the face, igniting the air to launch Akande. He pulls his screen up and a translocator for every agent.

Izuku:"This will lead you to a house where a bomb has been placed. It'll look like this."

He pulls up a picture of a gift box with black and red wrapping with a gift tag that has Talons insignia on it.

Izuku:"Translocating in 3...2...1..."

Everyone goes to a different house.

First... Reinhardt at Shoto's.

When he arrives at Shoto's house, Reinhardt rushes into the house. Only to find Shoto, Endeavour and the other siblings opening presents.

Shoto:"Reinhardt? How did you get here?"
Reinhardt:"Enji? Is that you?"
Endeavour:"Lt? It's been years! How have you been?"
Reinhardt:"HAHAHA! Just fine my good friend!"
Shoto:"Dad you know Reinhardt?"
Endeavour:"I don't just know him. I was his student! Now... what do I owe the pleasure to?"
Reinhardt:"We can talk later! A present was delivered here that's actually-"
Endeavour:"A bomb. We're aware. Luckily your training helped me find the insignia. We disposed of it."

Reinhardt stands smiling.

Reinhardt:"Of course my most prized student would be able to see that! HAHAHA!"

Next... Lena at Uraraka's.

Lena knocks on the door.

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