S2. Chp 1.

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Izuku was standing outside a huge building with Uraraka, Shinso, Shoto, Kami and Jiro, with their hero costumes on.

Shinso:"What are we doing here?"
Shoto:"You just told us you needed us and dragged us here with our costumes on."

Izuku takes a deep breath.

Izuku:"Well... with Akande back I had to make a call to some old friends and family."
Uraraka:"You don't mean-"

Suddenly the door explodes and a burnt man with a peg leg and tire is hugging Izuku to the ground.

???:"Gotcha little rat!"

The others get ready to fight, but then Izuku starts laughing and hugs him back.

Izuku:"Uncle rat! It's been too long! Where's roady?"
???:"I'm right here."

The voice was deep and monstrous, striking fear into the hearts of Izuku's friends. The man comes out and looks to be over 1000 pounds! He has a man bun and a large hook on his side.

???:"How's my little rat? Still in that boring school thing? I also wondered why you would do that instead of just blowin it all up like us!"
???:"You idiot. That's not all we do."
Izuku:"Im not like you uncle rat! I want to save the world not destroy it."
???:"Sounds boring."
Izuku:"That's your opinion."

All 3 laugh.

Uraraka:"Who are these guys Izuku?"
Izuku:"Oh sorry guys! These are my uncles, Junkrat and Roadhog! They're from Australia!"
Junkrat:"Pleasure to meet you! I heard about some of you from little rat! Especially the brunette!"

Roadhog hits Junkrat on the head.

Roadhog:"You idiot!"
Uraraka:"What about me?"
Izuku:"*Blush* NOTHING!"

Izuku uses his strings to make a mallet that hits Junkrat on the head.

Junkrat:"OW! OoOooooO... Did anyone catch the number of the guy who hit mah-"

He passes out.

Roadhog:"That's a new trick. Pick it up recently?"
Izuku:"You ain't seen nothing yet. Roady, this is Uraraka, Shoto, Shinso, Kaminari, and Jiro. Friends from class."
Roadhog:"It's nice to meet you all. Any friend of the little rat is a friend of overwatch."
Kami:"Wait. OVERWATCH?"

Roadhog leads them inside with Junkrat over his shoulder. They see several rooms with several different people. And finally they reach the main lobby. A huge statue of three people is behind a desk with a man with a cool hair doo and a Hawaiian shirt.

???:"How May I help-"

Izuku rushes over the desk and hugs the man intensely.

Baptiste:"Oh! Little Hacker! Well I guess you're not so little anymore. How's your health?"
Izuku:"Better than ever! How's the launcher?"
Baptiste:"Better since the upgrade. Thanks a ton. Go to the medbay. Angela, Moira, and the Shimadas are there."
Izuku:"Thanks a ton!"
Baptiste:"Remember that the doors are always open!"
Izuku:"Don't cause too much trouble! We don't want Morrison coming back from the dead to rant at you!"

Baptiste laughs as they walk away.

Uraraka:"who were those three people on the statue?"
Izuku:"The three founders of Overwatch. Ana, Jack Morrison, and Gabriel Reyes. They died in the final battle against Talon. They were good people, and so many stories are told about them now. My grandma used to talk about them all the time. Especially Reyes. He's who I named my dragon after."
Jiro:"He must've been important to you."
Izuku:"Yeah... I guess he was. He's an inspiration to overwatch. And me."

When they arrive at the medbay they see a cyborg and an archer both with a huge frown as they were tied up by a blond woman in a chair filing her nails, and another woman with a purple hand.

Izuku:"Dr Ziegler! Moira! A pleasure as always!"
???:"Izuku! Please call me Angela!"
???:"Ah. I see you've returned brat."
Izuku:"Good to see you two witch."

Izuku and the "witch" exchange glares.

Uraraka:"Dr Ziegler? That sounds so familiar..."
Kami:"I know who she is! Angela Ziegler! One of the original founders of overwatch and the only recorded person with a class 11 healing quirk! You're legendary!"

Everyone turns to Kami, and Angela laughs.

Angela:"I see someone has done their research! Care to introduce your friends Izuku?"

Izuku introduces everyone and the witch manages to keep her composure for a little while.

Izuku:"And the two tied up are Genji and Hanzo Shimada. Probably got into an argument and that's why they're tied up."

Genji waves, and Hanzo scowls.

Genji:"Yo! That the girl you're always talking-"

Hanzo bonks his head against Genji's.

Hanzo:"I will kill you again if you don't shit up."
Izuku:"Thank you uncle Hanzo!"

Angela laughs as she gets a message from Winston.

Angela:"Izuku Winston wants to see you. You should know where the briefing hub is."
Izuku:"thanks Angela. Bye Shimadas! Goodbye witch."
Moira:"Get lost Hacker."

Izuku and pals walk out and reach the central hub. To find A giant monkey at the desk.

Winston?:"It's been Awhile hasn't it?"
Izuku:"Of course."
Winston:"Then lets get down to business."

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