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yoongi anxiously waited for the pink test to show the word 'negative' or 'positive'. he was so scared, whatever the test said could impact his whole life. just because his boyfriend was being stupid, did he tell yoongi he wasn't using protection? no. did yoongi ask him to use protection? yes.


"FUCK" yoongi shouted, his hands started shaking and tears ran down his cheeks. why him? he didn't know what to do anymore. he didn't even want to tell his boyfriend.

how was he supposed to continue with college? or even raise the child? he needed to tell someone but who? what if his friends dropped him after telling them? the boy decided to wait a couple months.


yoongi looked at the sonogram he was given, tears brimmed in his eyes as he saw it. maybe he did want the child, but how would he be able to maintain the child? he was getting paid eight dollars and fifty cents an hour and he only worked part time. that was barely enough to buy the bare necessities for himself.

yoongi put the sonogram under his bed, being careful of where to put it. he didn't want anyone finding it, not yet.


three months had passed and yoongi's symptoms had gotten worse, seokjin also noticed the changes. the large sweatshirts and sweatpants instead of tight skinny jeans and t-shirts.

"are you okay yoongi?" seokjin asked with a small smile, yoongi nodded "im fine, why do you ask?" yoongi asked, playing with his sweater paws "you're acting weird, maybe it's just me" seokjin chuckled, yoongi smiled "just you hyungie, nothing to worry about" yoongi giggled, he had to tell seokjin soon enough.

he couldn't hide his pregnancy for much longer, he was skinny and small, the baby would show sooner than not.



dude, you need to stop running out of class like that


sorry, i wasn't feeling well


you keep doing this, what's wrong? have you gone to a doctor?


im fine, don't worry


im gonna keep worrying, im gonna bring some medicine over to your dorm




you better go to a doctor, even jiminie is worried


im fine, imma take a nap


yoongi sighed, feeling guilty that he was lying to his best friends. he was going to tell them soon. but what was soon?

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