Chapter 27

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"Where is the party?" Luke asked confusedly as Calum parked right in front of his beach house.

"Here." Calum looked straight in front of himself and Luke kept quiet for a second.

"You have a beach house and you haven't even told me?!" Luke then snapped in surprise, making me have to hold in my laughter.

Calum shrugged and I got out of my front seat with Luke and Calum following my action. I hurried to Calum so I can hold onto his arm in case my heels get stuck in the sand that is all over the front of his house.

"That's what you get for wearing heels." Calum laughed and I gazed at him playfully. Luke was walking about ten feet away from us and I peeked at him quickly just to see he's staring at me with a serious expression on his face.

I then turned back and we got into Calum's beach house that already had hundreds of people dancing and music was already pumping.

"Why is everyone here before you? It's your house." I asked, yelling so Calum could hear me.

"You know how it goes. People just come inside and it doesn't even matter if I'm here. I don't even know half of the people that came." Calum shrugged and I nodded understandingly. I let go of his arm because we were already inside and decided to look for someone familiar.

Before I could turn around someone ran into me, hugging me and almost throwing us both onto the floor. I caught the person by their shoulders and held them in front of me so I could recognize them.

"Lisa!" I yelled excitedly as I saw the blond haired girl smiling at me.

"Hey!!" She yelled back and we hugged again. "This party is awesome! I thought I would have nowhere to spend my new year's but Calum and you never disappoint."

I laughed and we decided to get some drinks from the big table in the dining room.

Calum's dining room didn't even look like a dining room anymore, it looked like a room with a huge table and a bunch of drunk teenagers surrounding it and waiting for their turn to throw a ball into the cup and down it.

We took some plastic cups with beer in them and started drinking. I lost Calum somewhere in the crowd and I haven't seen Luke since we walked into the house. I shrugged because they must've found someone to hang out with. They both do know half of the city anyway.

I was with Lisa for the rest of the time, drinking, laughing and meeting new people. We didn't dance due to our both sore feet from our heels, but that didn't stop us from having an awesome time.

Now it was about five minutes until the clock struck midnight and everyone got together outside Calum's house, on the beach. The beach house had it's own little private beach and that's where the party was transferred because some guys apparently bought fireworks.

That didn't make sense to me since San Francisco has always had the official, huge fireworks but when I asked Lisa what's it about she explained we couldn't see the real fireworks because we were on the wrong side of the beach.

There were approximately five hundred people on Calum's party and right now we were all pushed together and eager for it to be midnight. I still haven't taken my heels off which was probably a bad idea since now I was supposed to stand on the sand.

"Lay!" I heard Calum yell and I tried to push through some girls to get to him.

"I haven't seen you all night!!" I said and laughed. I was a bit dizzy from all the beer Lisa's made me drink so I kept giggling at anything.

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