Chapter 8

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After class I ditched everyone and everything, and went for a walk to clear my head. The past few days seemed a little crazy, but Harry was right. Sooner or later, people would forget about what happened to me and move on.

I stopped in front of a wall. Well, it should have been a wall, what was there in actuality was a door I had never seen before. But I'd heard the rumours enough times to know what I was looking at.

This was the Room of Requirement.

Was it opening for me?

I went inside, excited, heart pounding in my chest. This was a room I'd always dreamt of seeing, of knowing what was inside and what awaited me in there. What need did I have?


I stopped.

It wasn't for me.

It was for another student.

I recognized him, he was the poor fourth year Draco tried to get me to feed on. He was clearly under the Imperius curse, which forced the victim to perform any action the user told them to do.

He turned to me, and then pulled the tarp off a mirror.

In the mirror, I saw a terrible face. Snakelike in appearance, distorted, like a corpse brought back from the dead past its time. But it was also the face of a man, dressed in a dark suit, standing stoically.

"Finally, a pawn I can use." The voice said. It was him. The Dark Lord. I did not dare speak his name. I raised my wand to try fire off a spell, to break the mirror, but before I could get a word out, the fourth year bellowed;

"Expelliarmus!" And my wand went flying.

"Ebony Ravenway, a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Colin here, bless the boy, has told me all about you. The kind hearted vampire who refused to feed on him. I admit, I was moved by your restraint in the face of such overwhelming temptation. I needed to know who it was that Dumbledore had hidden in these walls." The Dark Lord had a sickening smile.

"Whatever it is you want from me, I won't give it to you. I refuse, I just won't. I'll run. I'll scream. You have no power here."

"You haven't even heard my proposition. It seems Dumbledore had failed to teach yet another student manners. Colin?"

"Yes, my lord?"

"Subdue her."

"No!" I yelled.

"Incarcerous!" Colin yelled, and ropes sprung from the air and restrained me. Tears started to well in my eyes. I struggled, but couldn't free myself. Here I was, a monster, a killer, with the power to turn stone to powder between my fingers and I couldn't even resist one simple spell.

"I have something of a problem, my dear. Hogwarts prevents my Death Eaters from apparating into and out of the castle. I've heard word that you have the ability to move about freely. I would like to acquire your services."

"I won't do it! You can't make me!" I shouted back.

"As it turns out, I can. Colin will cast the Imperius curse on you, as one of my death eaters had cast on him, and my will shall be your command. This will be easier if you don't resist."

"Are you too cowardly to face me yourself? Hiding behind little fourth years seems beneath you. Or perhaps you aren't as great as the stories say you are." My mind raced for ideas, for a way for me to get free. The Dark Lord's face tightened into a sneer and my escape came to me. I just needed to remain calm for long enough to pull it off.

"You've got quite a mouth on you. I think it's time we did something about that. Colin? Subdue the bloodsucker."

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" I yelled, then shrunk into myself as a turned into a swarm of bats.

"What?!" The Dark Lord yelled, and I bee-lined for the mirror and knocked it over, shattering it. The bats swarmed around Colin, and he was visibly confused.

Then I materialized behind him, and rocketed an elbow into the back of his head, knocking him cleanly unconscious.

My eyes darted around the room, looking for my wand, and there is was, but next to it was something else. The Room Of Requirement started shifting around me into one long corridor with a single exit. My wand rolled towards me, and I caught it.

I recognized the door at the end of the hall.

It lead to the Headmaster's office.

I prepared myself foranother one of Dumbledore's lectures.

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