Chapter 11

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Feeling a little bad for him, I went down to the infirmary to check up on Colin. I'd flung the kid half a rugby field and then hit him so hard he was probably concussed.

Madam Pomfrey quietly gestured at me to get on with it as she tended to a student that had left two fingers behind in an apparation gone awry and I checked each bed until I eventually found him.

"Hey." I flashed him a smile, trying to be comforting. It did not work.

"M-madam Pomfrey won't let you hurt me!" He said, making a crucifix with his fingers. I gently lowered his hands, trying not to look offended, and sat down next to him.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Colin. But I am here to check up on you, and to say sorry. I hit you pretty hard back there, hope you don't hold it against me." I said.

"Did you try drink my blood as well?"

"No, Colin, I didn't try drink your blood. Someone put you under the Imperius curse, you tried to do the same to me, and I knocked you out before you caused any trouble."

"Well, what about the other night? With Draco Malfoy? Were you going to drink my blood then?"

"Trust me, if I was going to tear anyone's throat open that night, it was Malfoy."

"I heard you snogged him. Were you two just playing a prank on me?"

"No, we... I... It's complicated. But I really don't want to hurt you, Colin. And I promise you I'll never snog Malfoy again. Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Oh, okay. So... You really are just here to check on me?"

"Yes, Colin."

"Oh. Well, uh... I'm doing okay. I think. No permanent damage."

"That's wonderful to hear. You're a fourth year, right?"

"Yeah, I am."

"What was Draco Malfoy doing dragging a fourth year student into the forbidden forest?"

"I... Snuck out. I wanted to see Charlotte and The Fallout. They're my favourite band and then Draco found me sneaking around so he dragged me into the forest."

"Tell me if he ever pulls any stunt with you again, I'll hang him on the Whomping Willow."

"Oh, thanks. Uhm, how come you're being so nice to me?"

"I feel a little guilty, and also I could stand to boost my karma some. I'm glad you're okay, though. I have to run, but get well soon, Colin."

"Thanks, uh..."

"Ebony Ravenway. There's probably a much ruder name for me going around but since I stopped you from aiding an evil wizard you have to call me by my real name."

"Thanks, Ebony."

"You're welcome."

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