37. Panicked Tears

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Ryo leaned back into her chair, a small smile on her lips as she glanced over the various camera screens in front of her. She pulled her hair from its ponytail. Things had been rather quiet on campus lately, as the hosts hadn't been a part of any big schemes which was a relief. There weren't any other issues with the rest of the student body, something she wasn't too surprised about.

Things were good.

She was happy.

The brunette started to organize her files, double-checking to make sure that her school work was done. She picked up the student files she had been looking over and stood up to lock them away.

"I'll need to shred these," she muttered, spotting a few graduated students in the cabinet. She froze, realizing that she would have to do the same for Honey and Mori eventually. They were third years after all. She flipped through the student names, stopping when her phone went off on her desk.

System Alert

[2] Unregistered and Unidentifiable individual(s) on the campus. Action is recommended.
[Find Location.]
[Alert Security]

System Alert:

[2] Unidentifiable and Unregistered object(s) being transported into the building. Action is recommended.[Find Location.]
[Alert Security]

Ryo groaned. "Of course."

She sat down in front of her screens again, adjusting her glasses as she scanned for the individuals in question. Sure enough, making their way through the halls, she spotted two men with a dolly of rather large crates. They seemed to be lost, but since school hours had ended most students and faculty weren't around.

Something about them seemed off.

Did the host club order something
arriving today?

If anyone would know, she figured it would be Kyouya.

Yes. I'm assuming the paperwork
didn't go through in time. My apologies.

Alright. They appear to be lost, I'll show
them to the music room.

Thank you Miss Ryouka.

She adjusted her glasses and grabbed her things, tucking her phone away and opening her laptop as she walked, attempting to find the paperwork Kyouya said he had submitted. It took her only a few moments to track the men down, finding them idly talking as they continued to wander. They were dressed in basic dark grey coveralls and were pushing around lather large crates. Ryo decided to alert security and put them on standby just to be safe. They didn't look like the men who normally delivered for the host club.

"Excuse me!" she called out, one hand flying across the keyboard as she searched. "Is there anything I can do to help you, gentlemen?"

They quickly turned to look at her. "Uh, a-are you a student here?"

She paused for a moment, remembering that she didn't wear the traditional uniform of the school. "Yes, I am. I'm assuming you are here to deliver something to a club or member of the faculty?"

"Ah, yes," one stepped forward, the taller of the two. "We're a bit turned around. I figured there would be more students still here."

She turned her attention to the screen as she found the paperwork Kyouya had submitted for their latest order. It was a small order, so it had already been processed.

"Most students leave rather quickly if they are not an active member in a club since they normally have private lessons scheduled by their families," she responded, glancing between the men and the screen. Something was off. "Who are you delivering to? I'll point you in the right direction."

"Is everything alright?" he asked, his partner standing the dolly and crates upright and letting go. "You seem rather distracted."

"Yes, everything is fine," Ryo answered. "I've just noticed that there were no deliveries scheduled to arrive today. If you could just let me know what you are delivering and to whom, I can get that cleared up and send you on your way."

"That would be great, Miss-" he trailed off, relaxing his shoulders. Her eyes narrowed slightly behind her glasses as she forced her smile to remain.

"My name is Ryo Hisakawa," she said, instantly noting the slightly puzzled look on their faces. "Now, please answer my questions."

They weren't here for the host club.

Ryo pulled up the alert system on her laptop, keeping a close eye on the men in front of her. She needed to alert security as soon as possible. Her fingers were about to click on the alert system when a silent notification filled her view.

System Alert

A [3rd] Unregistered and Unidentifiable individual(s) has been found on the campus. Action is recommended.
[Find Location.]
[Alert Security]

"Grab her."

Ryo attempted to click to alert security before she dropped her laptop, hands reaching up to grasp at the cloth that was being forced into her mouth. Her eyes were wide as she struggled against the men who quickly tied her wrists. Panic welled up in her as the third individual lifted up her smaller form and carried her easily despite her struggle to one of the crates that had been ripped open. She shouted against the gag, kicking and twisting as she was shoved into the crate and the lid forced closed.

For once Ryo wasn't sure what to do.

This was the exact thing she had been working to prevent, though she had never expected it to happen to her. She tensed up further as she felt her world tilt and start moving.

"Does that name sound familiar?"

"Who cares? If she goes to this school, she'll be worth something."

"Let's just hurry and deliver the package and get out of here."

"Music room #3 right? This way."

So they were heading towards the host club.

Maybe she could kick at the sides of the crate and draw their attention.

Remembering her phone was in her pocket, she shifted to try and pull it out. It was difficult to do so in such a cramped space and with her hands tied. After a moment, she managed to pull the device from her pocket. She shifted, her foot hitting the side of the wood with a light thud.

Suddenly the crate jostled as a loud bang sounded right next to her head.

"Stay quiet or else."

Trying to draw their attention by struggling was a no. Even if she knew that Mori and Honey could easily take the men out, fear easily overrode the common sense in her mind.

Slowly, she opened her phone and turned off any notifications or vibrations.


cjeck system

Watch yuu

Ryo forced herself to take a few deep breaths through her nose.

Kyouya was smart. The hosts were all smart and determined people. They would figure out what had happened. She listened carefully as one of the men entered the music room, leaving her outside to minimize the risk of her continuing to fight. They were rather smart.

The brunette cursed herself for not being more careful.

Things would work out.

That didn't stop her from blinking away the panicked tears as they pushed her away from the music room.

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