A True Alpha

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Sorry about the wait! I couldn't think up anything new.

Anyways, enjoy!


I stood in the compound as Klaus told me what properties the wolves and I have.

My pack didn't want to live in the bayou and neither did I. I needed somewhere close to home, so Klaus arranged a series of apartments for the wolves to have.

"That's the last of them. Here are the keys. They are free to move in."

Klaus dropped the ring of keys into my hand, and I smiled at him. "Thanks Klaus. You don't know how much this means to me and my pack.

Anything I can do for you, Hayley."

I smiled again and turned from him when he called me. "Hayley. Um...I think it's best for you to move back into the compound.

Why?" I asked. Ever since that fight when I stomped away from him, it's like I've been distant from him. And he understands me most.

"Hayley, whatever attacked the bayou, is still out there, and I don't want to see you hurt. With the wolves still getting used to the arrangements, they can't protect you.

Protect me? Klaus as an alpha, I risk my life for them. I would die for them. They are my pack. My family. I've already lost my best man. I'll die before I lose someone else. And you can't convince me otherwise."

I turned again before he called to me. "Well, can you just stay close? Please, Hayley. If you won't stay with us, keep yourself near us.

So that way we can help you when we can."

He said and I exhaled slowly. Well I guess it won't hurt...right? "Okay. I'll stay nearby. Maybe stay with my wolves.

That's great. I can help you with moving in. No!" I shouted and he rose his eyebrows.

I cleared her throat, a small dust of blush staining my cheeks. "I mean no. I got it. I don't need your help. I'm...fine." I said silently before waving and turning to walk away.

I heard someone calling to be, but I ignored it recognizing the voice. It was Elijah. I didn't have time for him. I need to focus on my wolves. I've neglected them too much already.

I walked out the compund before driving back to the bayou. Willow, my new second in command, waited by the lake. She and Jackson were like one in the same.

Made for each other and thinking exactly the same.

"Willow. I need a favor. Yes, Hayley? I need you to round up all the wolves. I have an announcement that'll change things."

I said and she nodded walking away from me. Soon, everyone stood front and center. "Alright listen closely. I managed to get us a spot in the Quarter." They all broke into cheers before I got to finish.

My smile was bright, and I had to shush them so I could finish. "Alright, alright settle down.

Klaus has agreed to give us a level of apartments in the Palace Royal. I want you all to protect each other while we're there.

We are a pack alright? We will still have the bayou if needed but we need a place in the Quarter. It's our home and we deserve a voice. You don't need to leave immediately but, it's best if you do we can take out the threat to all of us faster.

Any questions?" Everyone was silent which pleased me.

"Alright then people, let's get settled into our new homes!" We dispersed and I went to give everyone their home keys while they started to pack up.

Honestly, I wad going to miss this place. But, I can't loose anymore of my pack.

Sighing, I shouted. "Come up to me for your keys before you get to packing!" I held up the ring of keys and one by one they came up to me for keys.

And soon, the wolves and I were packing up to move out for good.

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