The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

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First off....1.42k reads? 86 votes??!! Thank you all so much! I love all of you for staying with me through the beginning and when I was rewriting it. When my updates were slow and when I went on hiatus. I thank all of you, and because of that, I will dedicate this chapter to you, so enjoy.


I awoke in a sweat, still in Klaus' arms. He was spooning me, and I held him close. He was warm. But I couldn't shake my nightmare.

It was them. Kai was killing me. Juniper was killing me. I know that Juniper isn't dead, and that pendant can only hold for so long. It made me squirm just the thought of her killing me. It felt different. In a very bad way.

Slipping out of his grasp, I turned Klaus over so he was comfortable. He barely stirred, and I smiled. He was snuggled into a pillow. I walked over to the balcony and stood there. I couldn't sleep. I watched the streets of New Orleans that never seemed to sleep.

I wasn't thinking, but in a way, I was. I thought of what had happened a few hours ago and look back at Klaus who was still asleep.

Things are different between us. I know that loving him and kissing him is wrong. Especially when I'm with Elijah but with him, it feels perfect. A perfect life.

But I'm not perfect. I'm not some princess. I'm Hayley Marshall, a wild werewolf vampire hybrid with no control over my emotions and my actions.

Nothing about me is perfect. And with Jackson, I'm aware of his feelings but he doesn't expect me. He expects Andrea Lebonair, a mythic revolutionary.

But that's not me either. But with Klaus..., he took me in for who I am. Tainted. Not an innocent girl, with a perfect life. No. He saw me, Hayley, a girl whose parents abandoned her, left the torture of crucial foster parents, a girl who knows what it's like to be alone. And someone who hates it.

Klaus understands. He's there for me. In a way Elijah or Jackson will never be and for that, I am relieved.


[Third Person P.O.V]

Later on when the sun began to rise, Hayley got dressed and went for a stroll. She needed it. She had left a note for Klaus to read and she's sure he won't see it until at least an hour later.

Walking down the crowded streets, she went into a bakery, craving something sweet. "Hi welcome to Malcolm's Bakery, I'm Malcolm, how may I help you?" A broad black man with a mustache stood behind the counter with a apron and a smile.

"Malcolm how's it hanging?" Malcolm was a vampire. One of the few vampire friends she has, excluding the Original family.

She gave him a high five before backing up. "What you got in stock, Malcolm? Any warm blood around? Yeah. Just got a load in, what type. I wanna try B positive today. Klaus says it's good. It is. Give me a minute." Malcolm went into the back room and Hayley stood by the counter until her phone rang and she answered.

"Rebekah, hey. Need something? Where are you? Niklaus is worried sick!" Hayley laughed. "I'm fine. Just went for a stroll and I came into Malcolm's for something sweet. That's good. Klaus was about to tear the city apart to find you. Then you probably shouldn't tell him I stole his leather jacket." Both girls began to laugh but Hayley stopped short, hearing a noise with her hybrid hearing.

"Hold on, Bex. I heard something, call you later." Hayley stuffed her phone in the back pocket of her jeans, before going behind the counter. "Malcolm? You okay back there?" She didn't hear his heartbeat because he was a vampire, so she had to rely on anything else.

Then, she heard his scream. Rushing in, she bust open the door to be faced with three people two men and a woman in all black.

"What the...," Hayley reacted fast, showing her fangs after seeing Malcolm dead on the floor. "What did you do to Malcolm!?"

She began to fight them, and they circled her. She took a blow to the head, before she spun and sped him into the wall, and slammed him forcefully to the floor.

Stepping over him, she picked the woman and gripped her throat. She looked over at the man and picked him up too.

"Who are you, why are you here?" Hayley asked angrily, teeth bared.

She heard the bullet but wasn't fast enough to catch it. She felt it hit her upper right shoulder blade, and felt a bone break. She dropped the two and screamed, grabbing her wound. She felt it trying to heal, but it didn't help began of the burning. "Vervain!" She hissed, looking up at them. Then, the woman reared back and punched her, knocking her down and rendering her unconscious.


When Hayley was conscious again, she felt the pain again, and tried her best not to cry out. She felt as if she was moving. Like she was in a car of some kind. She heard blaring rock music but paid no mind. She peeked open an eye and saw that she was in a trunk. She saw a window, and smiled. This may be the smartest, or the dumbest idea ever.

Oh well, she'll get away either way.

Raising her leather clad boot, Hayley slammed it into the window, making it crack. She slammed into the glass before the car was stopped, and the door was opened.

She swung her foot at person but it was caught. "Stop it, Hayley!"

Her eyes popped open. She recognized that voice anywhere. And it confused and angered her at who it was.

"Tyler?" She asked and then, she began to jerk away from him. "YOU ASS!" She shouted at him, and he called for the other three people with him. The same people who shot her. She felt enraged. They grabbed her arms and legs, making her begin to squirm. She ignored the pain of the vervain bullet, and tried to get them to drop her. Then Tyler grabbed her legs, picking her up.

"Let go of me, you half-breed piece of shit!" She yelled angrily, but Tyler ignore her while walking from the car. It was bright and all Hayley could see was dirt. "God, Tyler if you don't let me go right now, I swear I'll-,"

"You'll what? Klaus can't find us, we cloaked you." She growled before she did her best to sit up, and then hissed, sinking her teeth into his shoulder.

He cried out angrily, and then dropped her. Jumping to her feet, she knocked her head against his, making him fall. Then she bit the woman who came close and tossed her into the other two. And then, she was running off into the forest she found herself in. She painted heavily, feeling Tyler running after her. Then, he jumped on her, making her fall down. Then they rolled down a small cliff, towards a lake. She rolled onto her back, and stood up, trying to run again when Tyler grabbed her leg making her fall. She grunted, tripping.

Then, Tyler was on top of her, grabbing her tied hands. "Let go of me!" She squirmed heavily, panting while Tyler tried to get her to stand still. "Argh!" She began to scream and shout, angrily making grunts. She saw the blood from her bite, and leaned up biting it again. She pushed him off, then got up and kicked him. She stomped on him until she felt a gaze on her. Looking up to the ledge she had fallen from, she saw a man.

She didn't really register who it was, only that she needed to run. And so she did. Tyler grunted, and began to run after her when his name was called.

"Typer. Stop.

"Since you obviously can't do it, I will retrieve her myself. I want to do this, alone. Liam, let me handle this. No, Tyler." He said with finality in his voice.

He looked down at Tyler. "I want hunt her, like she did me."

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